Accessibility Services
At Simmons University, we are committed to the full participation of all students in our programs and activities. Simmons University is mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Amendment Act of 2008 to provide equal access to educational and co-curricular programs, campus activities, facilities, and employment opportunities to qualified individuals with disabilities. The University provides reasonable accommodations based on appropriate documentation to ensure equal access and to reduce barriers to learning, programming, and events.

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS), located in the Center for Student Success, is a strategy-based service that supports students in their academic endeavors both on the ground and online. Students registered with OAS are expected to adhere to the same academic and behavioral standards as the rest of the University. A student’s initial connection and ongoing interaction with OAS is self-propelled. Accommodations are applied on a prospective basis — students are not entitled to have accommodations applied on a retroactive basis.
Getting the Most out of Accessibility Services
Please note: students must be fully registered and receive confirmation of eligibility before requests for academic accommodations can be made.

New to OAS? Get Registered Today!
Find information regarding documentation requirements and criteria, methods for submitting documentation, and timelines for academic, field, clinical, and residential accommodations.

Schedule an Appointment
Current students looking to schedule a meeting with an OAS staff member, please submit an appointment request through Accommodate.

Academic, Field, and Clinical Accommodations
For all types of academic, field, and clinical accommodations, students are welcome to register or request new accommodations at any time during the academic year but are encouraged to plan well in advance to ensure access to the accommodations.

Accommodations on Assessments (Exam or Quiz)
Students approved for testing accommodations may request to take exams through the on-ground OAS Testing Center. Eligible students may take any timed, in-class assessment (e.g. exams, quizzes, compositions, etc.) in the OAS Testing Center.

Residential and Dining Accommodations
In accordance with applicable federal, state, and city disability laws, Simmons University has established the following process to ensure that students with a documented diagnosis or disability may have equal access to Simmons University residential housing resources.

Virtual Drop-In Hours (via Zoom)
Whe classes are in session, the Office of Accessibility Services has drop-in hours with no appointment necessary. The drop-ins are a great time to ask questions about how to register, documentation criteria, and more.

Accessibility Services Info Sheet
Download the Accessibility Services Info Sheet for a quck at-a-glance look at everything OAS has to offer!

Information For Faculty
The Office of Accessibility Services collaborates with faculty and staff across Simmons University. Our goal is to provide you with information for most frequently asked questions. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any other questions!
Center for Student Success
The Center for Student Success (CSS), located on the ground floor of LeFavour Hall, houses the Office of Undergraduate Advising, the Writing Center and Tutoring Center, the Center for Global Education, the Office of Accessibility Services, and the Career Education Center.
Accessibility Services

JoJo Jacobson
Director, Academic Support and Accessibility

Autumn Grant
Associate Director, Office of Accessibility Services

Brendan Halpin
Assistant Director of Academic Support
Cleo Kidd
Interim Coordinator of Accessibility
Jennifer Wong
Coordinator of Accessibility
Office of Accessibility Services in the News
Contact Us
Office of Accessibility Services
The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) is committed to reducing barriers and enabling the full participation of students in our programs and activities. We provide academic and clinical accommodations to undergraduate and graduate students with documented accessibility needs.