Inter-Professional Informationist Certificate
Simmons offers a post-master’s certificate designed for students who have already completed a master’s degree, but who would like to pursue a program of advanced experiential study.

With the support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and in partnership with seven academic health sciences libraries - Harvard Medical School, MCPHS University, Tufts University, Boston University, Stanford University, University of California at Los Angeles, University of California at San Francisco - Simmons offers a post-master’s certificate program in the area of Inter-Professional Informationist (IPI).
The IPI certificate aims to bridge the gap between traditional and emergent skills in health sciences and biomedical librarianship and increase the diversity in the IPI workforce. Informationists are librarians or information specialists qualified to engage in research and knowledge management services in clinical care or biomedical research.
This certificate, which provides education and training to develop informationists, includes seven courses and an embedded capstone experience supervised by researchers and clinical leaders arranged by project partner institutions. Examples of a capstone project include: being involved in conducting a research project, assisting in research data management, performing literature searches, assisting with research writing or the renewal of grants. A student embedded in a clinical team may participate in patient rounds or medical training opportunities within the medical center/hospital/clinic.