Report an Incident

Simmons University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy campus environment for all students, staff, faculty and visitors. Simmons community members should conduct themselves with professionalism, personal integrity, and respect for the rights, differences and dignity of others (in person and online).

How to Report an Incident

Simmons University encourages all community members to report concerns without the fear of retaliation by fellow students, faculty, staff or any other members of the Simmons Community.

Community members and affiliate partners should refer individuals and/or organizations in the following ways outlined below.

Please provide as much information as is possible to enable the appropriate team to make the most accurate and timely assessment possible.

Only complaints through EthicsPoint may be anonymous.

Report a Non-Academic Violation

Members of the campus community have the opportunity to report issues that they believe may be a violation of the Simmons Student Conduct Code.

Non-academic violations are behaviors that involve, but are not limited to, alcohol, disorderly conduct, drugs, bullying, harassment, physical violence, or other violations of university policies, regulations, or rules.

The Non-Academic Incident Report form is used to report alleged violations.

Non-Academic Incident Report

Report a Bias Concern

Simmons University seeks to provide a welcoming and inclusive campus where all members of our community – students, faculty and staff – feel safe, respected, and valued. Bias, microaggressions, and prejudice have no place at our University; and our commitments to ensuring an inclusive, welcoming campus require us to establish a process by which aggrieved members of the University can report potential incidents of bias, microaggressions, and prejudice.

Bias Incident Report Form

Report Concerning or Worrisome Behaviors

This form is for faculty, staff and students to voluntarily report students who are experiencing distress, engaging in concerning behavior such as, emotional outbursts or withdrawing from the community, or behavior which is perceived as being harmful to themselves or others. Reports are monitored during business hours only by a member of the CARE Team. If there is an imminent concern for the student's safety or well-being,  please call 9-1-1 or the Simmons Public Safety emergency line at 617-521-1111.

CARE Team Referral

Report an Academic Integrity Violation

Any person wishing to initiate an official complaint of an academic integrity violation against any Simmons student may do so by submitting this form. Academic violations are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, cheating or plagiarism. General classroom misbehavior is considered a non-academic violation.

A faculty member who suspects a student in their class of violating the Academic Integrity policy should speak with the student and complete the form with the information of the outcome. This information will become part of the student’s record. 

The Associate Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation acting on behalf of the Office of the Provost will be the moderator of this information.

When an “information only” complaint is received by the Associate Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation for a student who already has one or more complaints on file, the Associate Provost for Curriculum, Assessment, and Accreditation reserves the right to follow up with the student for more corrective action. 

Academic Integrity Violation Report

Survivor Advocacy Services

Please use this form to notify the Violence Prevention and Educational Outreach Program of an undergraduate or graduate student who is in need of support, advocacy and resources related to experiences with gender-based misconduct. 'Gender-based Misconduct' includes, but is not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, cyber-stalking, sexual exploitation. 

All reports and services that fall under this description are confidential and will not trigger a Police or Title IX investigation.

Violence Prevention and Education Referral

Report Title IX/Sexual Harassment

This form should be used to document all disclosures or incidents pertaining to sexual harassment, including, but not limited to, incidents of: sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking of a sexual nature that have impacted students, faculty, or staff.

This form will be sent to the University's Title IX Coordinator or their designee.

We welcome you to visit Simmons' Sexual Harassment Policy.

Title IX/Sexual Harassment Report