Our understanding of history is in a perpetual state of flux. We are constantly raising new questions about the past and exploring innovative approaches to addressing complex problems. In our Master of Arts in History program you will learn to interpret sources and analyze different perspectives.

Prepare for the future by examining the past
Through an individualized course of study, you will gain a broad understanding of diverse eras and places and deepen your knowledge of specialized historical topics. We combine coursework with strong faculty mentoring in areas like American history, modern Europe, East Asia and the Middle East, global and comparative history, women and gender, maritime history, the Atlantic world, memory studies and public history. You will also have access to a vibrant array of historic sites and manuscript collections that surround our Boston campus.
Pursuing either a Master's in history or a dual degree in history/teaching or history/archives management, our students are well prepared for careers in education, research, archives management, librarianship, curation and various other forms of public history.