Student Groups in Literature

Literature and Writing Liaison

The Literature and Writing Liaison is the organization of Literature and Writing majors officially charged with planning and sponsoring activities for Literature and Writing concentrators and interested students. Each Spring the liaison meets to elect new officers for the academic years following. In the past years, the liaison has organized bi-annual Open Houses at which interested students may meet members of the Literature and Writing Department and discuss courses prior to registration. In addition to these activities, past liaisons have often organized fundraising events (bake sales and vendors), and discussion groups with faculty.

The liaison fosters a sense of community among Literature and Writing majors. You can meet the students in your classes in an informal environment and enjoy working together on activities of mutual interest. All majors, minors and other interested students are eligible to belong. Contact the department to indicate your interest in participating. The four officers and their functions are as follows:

  • President: Provides a unified vision for the group and mediates all ideas and plans for the group’s activities.
  • Vice President: Assists the president in all activities.
  • Secretary: In charge of all communications with Liaison members, the department, and other groups; Takes notes at meetings.
  • Treasurer: Keeps the liaison books, handles all financial arrangements (vendors, reimbursements for expenses, payment of bills).
  • Social Media Specialist: Handles advertising of all Liaison events, including creation of flyers and social media posts.
  • DEI Representative: Promotes activities that center diversity, equity and inclusion within the group and the department.

Current Officers:

  • President: Sam Mills
  • Vice President: Tilly Eldar
  • Secretary: Piper McKeever
  • Treasurer: Aironn Danforth 
  • Social Media Specialist: Alicia Guzman
  • DEI Representative: Alejandra Castellanos Manon
  • Faculty Advisor: Sheldon George


Sidelines, the student literary magazine, is published twice a year and features short stories, poems, photographs, and graphic arts by students (and occasionally staff or outsider contributors). The magazine is edited by a student board that does everything from soliciting work to deciding what goes in a given issue, designing typeface and layout, and seeing the copy through the printing and binding process. Each year, a featured artist or writer is included in the magazine, and the Sidelines annual launch is held in April. Sidelines offers practical experience to writers and any students interested in the many facets of publication.

Current Officers:

  • Editor-in-Chief Abigail St. Peter
  • Prose Editor Lori Kholomyanskaya
  • Poetry Editor Anna McGuiness
  • Art Editor Eri O'Brien
  • Layout Designer Elena Stratoberdha
  • Public Relations Bella Santos
  • Faculty Advisor Patrick Sylvain

POETRY: you may submit a maximum of 3-5 poems - Please email your work to [email protected].

PROSE: you may submit 2 fiction or creative non-fiction pieces of prose.

ART: you may submit a maximum of 3 pieces of artwork, including photos

Please submit photographed or scanned copies of the work using our submission form. If you are not able to submit your work electronically, please contact