The Simmons Edge

Accelerate your path to career success with the Simmons Edge
Your education is one of the most important investments you’ll make. At Simmons, we are committed to ensuring it is also the best investment you make. That is why we created the Simmons Edge, an integrated academic and experiential journey that will lead you to career success — faster and more affordably — so you can begin to realize a return on that investment in less time.
The Simmons Edge ensures that you will have the guidance and support to explore your passion and connect your academic work directly to your career goals. Whether you have always known you want to be a nurse or you are deciding between a career in business or policy, the Simmons Edge will also set you on a path to earn the necessary graduate degree in less time and with significant cost savings.
Components of The Edge

Whatever your undergraduate major may be, the Simmons Edge ensures that you will have an opportunity to continue your education at Simmons with advisors to guide you along the way.

“The process of learning at Simmons is very interactive. I was able to do independent research with [faculty] guidance, but they let me use my creativity and ideas and lead it on my own. Professors are also doing their own research and will often let you join them.”
Raneem Emad Amer Mousa ’25
Mathematics, Computer Science, Dual-Degree in Engineering

“I am loving my time at Simmons, and it is wonderful to work in the new Nursing Simulation Lab . . . It was easy for me to choose the Simmons School of Nursing over other schools because of the clinical rotation opportunities with Boston-area hospitals. I am currently doing rotations at Mass General, and am confident that I have chosen the right career path.”
Emma Pazar '25, '26 MSN
4+1 Nursing program
The Edge at a Glance
Cost Savings
An accelerated degree program will save you an average of 25% over completing a separate undergraduate and graduate degree.
Time Savings to a Graduate Degree
By taking two graduate classes in your senior year, you have the opportunity for time savings over completing two separate degree programs.