At Simmons, we know that hands-on experience helps guarantee skilled, confident graduates. Our students learn in our labs and classrooms, as well as health care facilities that are literally in our backyard.
World-class clinical training anchored in patient-centered values
- Our intensive clinical training hours requirements exceed many peer programs, giving our students a professional edge.
- Boston-based students have access to more than 850 clinical training sites, including world-class institutions like Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, VA Boston Healthcare System, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
- Students in our graduate online program complete clinical training in their communities nationwide, with over 17,000 sites, supported by a team of regional placement specialists.
- Our DNP program is designed for advanced practice nurses and nurse leaders.
RN Clinical Preparation
- You will complete 600 clinical hours by the end of the program.
- You'll have seven group clinical rotations with a student-to-faculty ratio of 6:1.
- Clinical rotations include medical/surgical nursing, complex care, pediatrics, obstetrics, psychiatric nursing, and community health.
- Students participate in a final-semester Senior Clinical Capstone Experience. You will spend 2-3 shifts per week with an RN in a clinical setting to prepare you for independent, professional practice and develop the role of collaborating healthcare team member upon licensure.
MSN, FNP Clinical Preparation
- You will complete a minimum of 672 clinical hours by the end of your program. This will require availability to complete clinical placement 3-4 days per week, Monday through Friday.
- Clinical focuses on the primary care setting across the lifespan, including pediatrics, women's health, behavioral health, adult and geriatric care.
- Your dedicated clinical placement specialist provides you with a team-based approach to clinical placement, and will work collaboratively with you throughout the clinical placement process.