School of Library and Information Science Careers
Our alumnae/i do amazing things
For more than 100 years, our graduates have been pioneers in their profession, recognized for their amazing achievements and remarkable careers, throughout New England, across the country, and around the world.
A degree from SLIS opens doors to a broad range of careers. Our alumni work as archivists, digital asset managers, specialists in literacy and children's literature, reference librarians, rare-book specialists, catalogers, preservation managers, web designers, publishers, information architects, medical and law librarians, and knowledge managers.
Still wondering what can you do with a library and information science degree? Check out our programs or request information about the School of Library and Information Science.
- I Need a Library Job (
- LIS & Archives Careers Libguide at Simmons Library
- Simmons Career Education Center (CEC) has resources for Graduate Students (or email them directly at
- LIS & Archives Careers Libguide: Search Tips (cover letters, interview process, resume resources, etc.)
Other Helpful Links:
School Libraries:
- California: California Academic & Research Libraries (CARL)
- California: California Library Association
- New Hampshire: NH Library Jobline
- New Jersey: New Jersey Library Association Job Hotline
- New York: New York Library Association
- Oregon: Oregon Library Association
- Virginia: Virginia Library Association
Professional Associations:
- American Library Association (ALA)
- ALA Library Employment Resources
- American Association of Law Librarians (AALL)
- Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T)
- Association of Research Libraries
- Medical Library Association (MLA)
- Music Library Association
- Special Libraries Association (SLA)
- Society of American Archivists (SAA)
- Visual Resources Association (VRA)
- VRA Emerging Professionals and Student Group (VREPS)
Staffing Firms:

Your source for professional, pre-professional, and internship positions.