Kyong Eun Oh

Associate Professor and Director PhD Program

Kyong Eun Oh joined the Simmons SLIS faculty in Fall 2013. Oh’s research areas include personal information management, information behavior, and information organization. She studies how people manage and organize their digital files and how people use and interact with information in everyday life. In her project funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, she is investigating how researchers manage shared files in cloud storage for their collaborative projects. She has published in Human-Computer Interaction, Journal of Documentation, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, College & Research Libraries, and the Journal of Information Science, among other scholarly journals, and published a book, Smartphones, current events, and mobile information behavior (Routledge). She is a recipient of the 2015 ALISE/Eugene Garfield Dissertation Award.

She teaches graduate courses in information organization, metadata, and research methods. She serves as the Governing Board member of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) and the Editorial Board member of Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. She served as the Program Chair of the DCMI 2023 Annual Conference, the Chair of the Best Practice track at the DCMI 2021 Annual Conference, the Chair of the 2021 ALISE/Connie Van Fleet Award Committee, the Co-Chair of the Best Practice track at the DCMI 2020 Annual Conference, the Co-Chair of the ALISE/Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition in 2016, and the Publicity Chair of the International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries in 2015.


  • Ph.D. Library and Information Science, Rutgers University (New Brunswick, NJ)
  • M.A. Library and Information Science, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea)
  • B.A. English Language and Literature & Library and Information Science, Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea)


  • LIS 415 Information Organization (masters)
  • LIS 445 Metadata (masters)
  • LIS 642 Applied Statistics for Library and Information Science (doctoral)

Research/Special Projects

Personal information management

  • Collaborative research information management
  • Managing paper-based information in our digital world
  • Types of personal information categorization
  • The process of organizing personal information

Information organization

  • Information organization: Theoretical and practical topic analysis
  • Analysis of tags
  • Online health information organization

Information behavior

  • News information behavior on mobile devices
  • The use of Google Scholar and the academic library discovery systems


Kyong Eun Oh in the News

ASIS&T Student Chapter Winner

Simmons Wins 2022 ASIS&T Student Chapter of the Year

For the third consecutive year, Simmons University's Student Chapter of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) received the Student Chapter of the Year award from ASIS&T. Remarkably, the student chapter has now received this recognition twelve times since...

Headshot of Kyong Eun Oh

Associate Professor Kyong Eun Oh Receives Sloan Foundation Grant

Oh's project will investigate how researchers manage their files in cloud-based shared repositories such as Google Drive or Dropbox while working on collaborative research projects.