Writing Support
The Writing Center, located in the Center for Student Success, fosters academic excellence by providing resources and support that meet the needs of graduate and undergraduate students. For a tutoring session, please schedule an appointment.

Our Mission
The mission of the Writing Center at Simmons University is to foster academic excellence by providing resources and support that meet the needs of graduate and undergraduate students. The Writing Center offers one-on-one tutoring designed to strengthen students' academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and research skills. The Center works with faculty across schools and programs to address students' academic and discipline-specific writing needs.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
- prioritize which aspects of their work they want to improve
- use strategies and resources to develop skills
- apply with confidence what they have learned
- plan next steps
All Students
For in-person or Zoom writing tutoring, please schedule an appointment.
For your session, please bring:
- Your assignment
- Your paper - hard copy or electronic version
- Earlier drafts
- Notes
- References
Be prepared to ask some specific questions of the tutor or to identify your main concerns about the assignment.
Tutoring Policies
- Students can use the Writing Center up to one hour per day and up to two hours per week.
- Please be on time to get the full benefit of your appointment.
- If you cannot make an appointment, please cancel online 24 hours in advance of your appointment.
- We understand that the content of student papers may sometimes be of a personal or sensitive nature. We respect your privacy and do not discuss your content with anyone but you.
Center for Student Success
The Center for Student Success (CSS), located on the ground floor of LeFavour Hall, houses the Office of Undergraduate Advising, the Writing Center and Tutoring Center, the Center for Global Education, the Office of Accessibility Services, and the Career Education Center.
The Writing Center
The Writing Center, located in the Center for Student Success, fosters academic excellence by providing resources and support that meet the needs of both graduate and undergraduate students. Writing center tutors help students from any program with all aspects of writing, including brainstorming, organizing ideas, and citing sources. Tutors focus on improving your writing skills, not fixing errors or proofreading your work. For a tutoring session, please schedule an appointment.

JoJo Jacobson
Director, Academic Support and Accessibility

Brendan Halpin
Assistant Director of Academic Support