Denise Di Novi

Hollywood film producer

Denise Di Novi ’77, ’97HD (born 1956) is a prominent Hollywood film producer. She has realized dozens of acclaimed film and television programs, including Edward Scissorhands (1990), Batman Returns (1992), The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993), What a Girl Wants (2003), Catwoman (2004), and two versions of Little Women (the 1994 production starred Winona Ryder and was directed by Gillian Armstrong, and the 2019 production starred Saoirse Ronan and was directed by Greta Gerwig). Di Novi has held leading positions at New World Pictures, Tim Burton Productions, Columbia Pictures, and Warner Brothers Pictures.

Di Novi came to Simmons to study communications and obtained her bachelor’s degree in Journalism. In the Winter 2014 issue of Simmons Magazine, she reflected on her Simmons experience: “For me, Simmons was life-changing in terms of the encouragement and validation I received. I entered college without a lot of confidence, feeling like I never really had a voice. At Simmons, I felt so much support and respect as a young woman, and people really believed in me. . . Simmons is an oasis; a place where you do not feel diminished in any way.” In 1997, Di Novi received an honorary doctorate from Simmons.

Photo courtesy of The Simmons Voice.


  • BA, 1977
  • HD, 1997

Program(s) of Study