The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) invites doctoral and master's degree candidates completing their degrees between August 2024 and May 2025 to the Graduate Affinity Brunch and Celebration.
This brunch celebrates the accomplishments of graduate students from underrepresented cultural, ethnic, and social communities. Graduates are invited to dress in regalia and bring cultural stoles that reflect their identities. Please note that this event is only open to graduates; guests are not permitted.
Graduates will also receive a complimentary multicultural rainbow cord to wear at Commencement! Multicultural cords must be ordered several weeks ahead of time to guarantee supply and arrival. If you are interested in receiving a Multicultural cord, please submit your RSVP and select 'Yes' to the question: Are you interested in receiving a Multicultural cord? by April 7, 2025.
Graduates are also welcome to purchase individual cultural stoles from Midwest Global Group or another vendor. Common stoles include, but are not limited to:
- AAPI Stoles
- First Gen Stoles
- Kente Stoles
- LGBTQIA Stoles
- Mexican Serape Stoles
- Native American / Indigenous Stoles
- Puente Stoles