MSW Clinical Practice with Active Service Members, Veterans, and Families

This MSW certificate program provides MSW students with a unique opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in effective and culturally-sensitive clinical practice with servicemembers, veterans, and their families. 

American Flag in front of Simmons MCB

ROTC Logo - Leadership. ExcellenceImage of the Silver Caduceus - a symbol of the Medical Service Corps (MSC) of the US Army

Students will learn about the significant impact & integral role that Uniformed & Military social workers play in helping Service Members, Veterans and their Families (SMVF) connect with the care and support they need. These specialized social workers support military personnel facing deployment and help SMVF cope with a host of physical health and behavioral health issues, including but not limited to deployment, combat readiness, moral injury, military sexual trauma (MST) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Uniformed & Military social workers provide support to military families facing emotional and financial stressors, and military-impacted schools and communities. Our engagement in past, present, and future wars continues to drive the need for highly skilled social workers who can provide psychotherapy, treatment and services for SMVF. This graduate certificate in military social work prepares students to work with SMVF at all stages of their military service in any military environment.

In addition to the required MSW coursework, students take the following certificate courses:

Social Work Practice in the Military and Special Practice Curricular Guide for Military and Veteran Social Work
Program required reading
  • SWO-516 Military Social Work Practice I: Introduction to Systems, Culture, Health and Social Issues
  • SWO-517 Military Social Work Practice II: Therapeutic Interventions within Military Cultural Context
  • SWO-464: Understanding Suicide: Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
  • Clinical Elective of student’s choosing

This MSW program has a total of 65 credits. 


The MSW degree requires 65 credit hours, consisting of 48 credit hours of classroom courses and 17 credit hours of practicum courses. Listed below is the MSW course sequence as of September 2022. On Ground course numbers have the prefix SW; online courses, SWO.

Specialized Year

SW404 Social Welfare Policy 3
SW414 Assessment and Diagnosis 3
SW424A Advanced Clinical Practice 3
SW424B Advanced Clinical Practice 3
SW447A Practicum Education Year II 4
SW447B Practicum Education Year II 4
SW509 Program Evaluation in Social Work 3

Licensure and Certificate Programs

As an MSW student, you may choose to pursue a certificate program in which you will gain advanced skills in a specific area of interest through a structured sequence of courses.

MSW with MA Licensure in School Social Work (On-Campus)

Students in the MSW program interested in practicing as a school social worker can elect to work towards the Massachusetts state license to be a School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselor (SSW/SAC). The certification is required to work as a clinical social worker in many school settings in Massachusetts.

Requirements for the MSW with Licensure as a School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselor include:

  • Sixty-two credits in the MSW program including SW 539A, SW in the Schools, SW 539B, SW in the Schools II and SW 595, Child and Adolescent Diagnosis, and one specialized social work elective.
  • Successful completion of the two SSW practicum; one placement must be in a school setting the other placement is encouraged to be in a setting serving children and families
  • Completion and submission of required documentation

Students planning to work toward the school social worker license should review the SSW/SAC student handbook, follow the program plan provided at registration, and attend the information sessions with the Certificate Coordinator. Practicum planning should be guided by licensure requirements. To be granted the license, candidates must complete all requirements mandated by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) (e.g., passing the Communication and Literacy tests of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure [MTEL]). Students are strongly encouraged to take the MTEL before completing the MSW program. Waiting to take it until after graduation might delay the ability to secure employment. 

MSW with Certificate in Public Policy (On Campus)

This certificate program is designed to give MSW students with an interest in macro/policy issues the opportunity to supplement their clinical education experience with a deeper knowledge of public policy. This certificate will position graduates to have more options in terms of career directions in social work, particularly around policymaking or policy advocacy, with an emphasis on building policy analysis and advocacy skills that will allow students to analyze and affect policies at local, state, and national levels. These courses will enhance students’ understanding of policy systems and theory, methods of policy analysis, and subject matter knowledge in two major policy arenas.

MSW with Certificate in Trauma Practice (On Campus and Online)

The Certificate in Trauma Practice will prepare graduates for practice with a variety of populations in multiple settings including: schools and universities, community mental health centers, immigrant and refugee centers, the legal justice and prison systems, inpatient and outpatient hospitalization programs, and psychotherapeutic settings with children, adults, couples, families and groups. Students complete all regular MSW program requirements, as well as SW 528A Child and Adolescent Trauma, SW 528B Lifespan of Trauma Treatment: Adults and Families, and two Trauma Practice certificate electives.

MSW with Certificate in Clinical Practice with Active Service Members, Veterans, and Families (On Campus and Online)

This certificate provides MSW students with a unique opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in effective and culturally-sensitive clinical practice with servicemembers, veterans, and their families. Students will learn about the systems and culture of the U.S. military; the sociocultural identity development of military personnel; the experiences, needs, and strengths of military individuals and families, with specific attention to minoritized groups; avenues of support for military personnel and their families; and specific assessment and intervention practices, with particular emphasis on PTSD and suicidality. This certificate prepares students to work with individuals and families at any stage of military involvement and in a variety of settings.

Certificate in Mental Health Practice (Online)

The Certificate in Mental Health Practice prepares graduates to:

Work with people who have experience with serious mental health conditions, including those with concurrent health conditions. Students will learn to recognize and address the significant impacts of stigma, marginalization, and discrimination that impede the health, safety, access to resources, and quality of life for people with serious mental health conditions. In addition, they will become skilled in delivering evidence-based and best practice approaches for managing symptoms and achieving wellness and recovery. Students will exit the program with an understanding of the role of social worker as both a provider and advocate working in collaboration with interdisciplinary teams, families, and other supports and services.


MSW with Certificate in Public Health

This Simmons certificate in public health provides the opportunity for Simmons’s MSW students to acquire specialized knowledge from the adjacent field of public health. The certificate helps students enrich their MSW education and training in a way that prepares them further for work in macro social work settings. With a focus on health equity, a Simmons Certificate in Public Health will equip MSW students with the analytical lens necessary to identify the population health consequences of social injustice, along with the associated approaches to address them through public health programming, policy, community organizing and advocacy. The certificate will also provide MSW students with  foundational understandings of public health history, theory, and practice.

Elective Courses

MSW students who opt not to enroll in a certificate can still develop a focused skill set through their elective courses. Students interested in an area of focus can work with their Academic Advisors on elective selection. Examples of focus areas are:

  • Health and Aging
  • Child and Family Wellbeing
  • Substance Use and Misuse
  • Adult Mental Health
  • Trauma and Interpersonal Violence
  • Group Practice
  • Clinical Practice and Therapy Models

Course Sequencing / Prerequisites

  • Research, SW 441/SWO 441 must be completed prior to enrollment in Evaluation, SW 509/SWO 509.
  • Program Evaluation, SW 509/SWO 509 must be taken concurrently with SW 447A or SW 447B/SWO 447A or SWO 447B.
  • Dynamics of Racism and Oppression, SW 409/SWO 409 must be completed before commencing specialized year courses.
  • SW 403/SWO 403 must be completed before SW 404/SWO 404.
  • Practicum Education Year I, SW 446A or SWO 446L is concurrent with SW 421A or SWO 421A; SW 446B or SWO 446B is concurrent with SW 421B or SWO 421B
  • Practicum Education Year II, SW 447A or SWO 447A is concurrent with SW 424A or SWO 424; SW 447B or SWO 447B is concurrent with SW 424B or SWO 425
  • Students must stay in the same sections (day, time, and professor) for practice classes: SW 421A/SWO 421A and SW 421B/SWO 421B and SW 424A and SW 424B.

Examples of employers for first jobs following graduation:

  • U. S. Department of Defense (Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force – Uniformed Social Work Officers)
  • U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (largest employer of social workers in the U.S.)
  • Department of Homeland Security (Coast Guard)
  • Department of Health and Human Services (U. S. Public Health Service)
  • New England Center and Home for Veterans
  • Home Base Veteran and Family Care
  • VA New England Healthcare System
  • Jamaica Plain VA Medical CenterViolence Recovery Program, Fenway Health
  • Justice Resource Institute (JRI)
  • Riverside Community Care
  • North Shore Mental Health 
  • Veteran’s Administration
  • Boston Regional STARR
  • Department of Children and Families

Connect with the School of Social Work

We will be happy to arrange for a personal visit, informational meeting, or class visit (when available). Arrangements can also be made to speak to a current SSW student to learn more about the MSW On-Campus program.

Complete the campus visit form

US Flag and MA State flag fying in front of Simmons MCB

Faculty Spotlight

“The number one skill [a social worker needs] is the ability and capacity to listen. Listening to people remains imperative and essential, in order to understand, connect, and provide services and treatment that our Service Members and Veterans need.”

Veteran Students and Alums in the News

The group of speakers at the Veteran's Day program, including General Gary M. Brito and Simmons President Lynn Perry Wooten

Simmons School of Social Work Holds First Annual Veterans Day Celebration

On November 6, the Simmons School of Social Work hosted a hybrid Veterans Day celebration to honor servicemembers past and present, with a keynote address delivered by General Gary M. Brito, the 18th Commanding General of the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command.

The U.S. Flag outside of the Main College Building

Honoring the Service of Veterans

President Lynn Perry Wooten and Assistant Director of Military & Veteran Services Stephen Pusateri share a message of gratitude to Veterans.

US Flag and MA State flag fying in front of Simmons MCB

Simmons Professor Practices Social Work in Support of Veterans

School of Social Work Associate Professor of Practice Samuel Odom shares the value of the Simmons MSW Clinical Practice with Active Service Members, Veterans, and Families certificate program.

Eli Lorenzo

Serving Those Who Served: Eli Lorenzo's Dedication to Veteran Care

Eliezer “Eli” Lorenzo ’23MSW is a case manager for a new practice framework at VA Boston Health Care called Care Coordination and Integrated Case Management (CCICM). Through phone calls and home visits, Lorenzo reaches out to veterans who have a...

Linda Hinkle '23DSW at the Grand Canyon

Meet Linda Hinkle ’23DSW, Military Veteran and Doctor of Social Work Candidate

I have not faced anything in my life for which my military service has not prepared me. The hard work aspect that I honed in the military helps me in a very rigorous doctoral program at Simmons, and I also learned work-life balance from being in the military.

Simmons School of Social Work Alum Robert Donovan ’21MSW

Robert Donovan ’21MSW: Treating the “Invisible Wounds” of Military Service

What the job entails Robert is a clinical social worker at Home Base, a nationally recognized clinic run by the Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital that treats the “invisible wounds” of military service. He works in the Intensive...

Dwan Cannon, master of social work degree graduate

Dwan Cannon ’21MSW Works with At-Risk Veterans: It Feels Like What I was Meant to do

Dwan Cannon '21MSW is an SRO case manager at the New England Center and Home for Veterans, a care and service provider for former military service men and women at risk for homelessness.

Daniel Leary, graduate student in the Masters of Social Work (MSW) program, with girlfriend, Heather

VA Social Workers Changed His Life, Now Daniel Leary ’22MSW Pays Those Lessons Forward

After experiencing combat in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Daniel Leary '22MSW sought help from the social workers at the VA. Two years later, when Daniel felt like he could start giving back after having been given so much, he came to Simmons.

Spotlight on MSW Students and Alums

A graphic illustration of people volunteering and helping others

Advocating for Others

Anne Villano ’22MSW says her decision to enroll in Simmons’ School of Social Work was influenced by two key factors that also shaped volunteer service she engaged in while earning her degree – and her path since graduating: life experience and an affinity for advocacy.

Johs Ozer

Social Work Alum on Oncology Social Work at Dana-Farber

Josh Ozer ’24MSW is a clinical social worker at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston where he provides one-on-one counseling to patients as well as psychosocial support to their families and caregivers.

An aerial view of sidewalks on the Simmons University campus

Honoring the National Day of Racial Healing

January 21, 2025 — the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day — is the ninth annual National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH). Created by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, NDORH "is an opportunity to engage in collective action to create a more just and equitable world."

Graduates Karen MacKenzie '10,'12MSW and daughter Jen DiRico '12MBA at the 2012 Simmons Commencement.

Mother and Daughter Alumnae Reflect on Shared Simmons Pride

To commemorate Simmons’ 125th anniversary, we spoke with Karen MacKenzie ’10, ’12MSW and her daughter Jennifer “Jen” DiRico ’12MBA about graduating alongside one another, Simmons’ spirit of inclusivity, and the formative power of a women’s-centered education.

Heidi HyunJin Lee and GBH’s Morning Edition co-host Paris Alston

Simmons Masters in Social Work Student Interviewed for GBH's Wake Up Well

Heidi HyunJin Lee was interviewed by GBH’s Morning Edition co-host Paris Alston for Wake Up Well, a segment focused on mental health.

The logo of the National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Chapter

Sandra Best Bailly ’94MSW Named President-Elect of Massachusetts Chapter of National Association of Social Workers

The Massachusetts Chapter of NASW is one of the largest chapters in the country, with a mission to “advance professional social work practice throughout the Commonwealth and advocate for equity and justice for all people.”

The USA flag flying next to the Main Campus Building on the Simmons University campus

Coming Full-Circle: Simmons Alum with Veteran Parents Now Supporting Veterans in Need

Sarah Clinton ’17MSW is an Aftercare Social Work Case Manager for the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program. In honor of July 4, we spoke with her about what drew her to social work and working with Veterans.

Christa Perry ’23MSW

Simmons Alumna Shares the Challenges and Rewards of Mental Health Therapy

Christa Perry ’23MSW is a mental health therapist for Embark Behavioral Health, a national company that provides mental health treatment to teens and young adults. Based in Vienna, Virginia, Perry counsels individuals and families in the eight-week Partial Hospitalization Program and the 15-week Intensive Outpatient Program.


The Simmons academic campus in Spring, 2024.  The construction of the new Living Learning Center is visible.

Resources for Veterans

The Financial Aid Office would like to thank all veterans for their service and welcome you and your eligible dependents and spouses to Simmons University.

ROTC Emblem - Leadership. Excellence

Liberty Battalion Army ROTC

Simmons University offers an ROTC program under Northeastern University' Liberty Battalion Army ROTC. learn more at