
A Message from President Drinan on Planning for Fall 2020

President Helen Drinan

Simmons adapts, persists and thrives – feats we've witnessed repeatedly throughout our 120-year history. And just like all the other changes we've met head on, navigating Simmons through this one requires a combination of innovation, creativity, courage and sacrifice.

I write at a time of great hardship for our nation as we watch the number of deaths from COVID-19 continue to increase. Of course, the impact of such tragedy causes fear, uncertainty, and disbelief about whether we will resume anything like life as we knew it before the pandemic.

Last week we heard President Trump say that the decision to reopen the economy of the country will be the most important decision he has ever made. With that sentiment we all may be able to agree. Interestingly, groups of governors have announced regional plans to collaborate on reopening in ways that suit their local conditions – a move that may help us all think more concretely about what we face in our own specific choices.

There's a lot we at Simmons don't know. We don't know exactly what the fall will look like, whether large group gatherings will be allowed, or exactly what will happen as the world begins to recover and reemerge from COVID-19. 

But we do know Simmons.

Simmons adapts, persists and thrives – feats we've witnessed repeatedly throughout our 120-year history. And just like all the other changes we've met head on, navigating Simmons through this one requires a combination of innovation, creativity, courage and sacrifice. Qualities, I'm proud to say, that our community continues to display throughout this pandemic.

The leadership team is meeting daily to discuss fall planning and a number of strategies to ensure we are prepared to meet the needs of our students, faculty and staff. Simmons, like many other institutions and organizations across the country, will likely have to make some difficult decisions in the coming days ahead. I ask that you bear with us while we study our options. Please know that we will share information and updates as soon as we can.

In times like this, we must choose how we will live. Each person has varied experiences to bring to this choice, and those experiences lead different people in different directions. Now more than ever I realize that having the gift of an education likely provides richer, more substantive reflection in thinking about these choices. This causes me to do everything I can to advance the sustainability of Simmons University, a place that has and will continue to provide education and experiences that enrich us throughout our lifetime.

Please stay safe and healthy.

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President Helen Drinan