Student Story

Seniors Share: My Simmons Memories

Seniors at the Senior Faculty Toast Click to play the video

Simmons has truly given me some of the best friends in my life and has changed me for the better as a person... Any memory I make with my friends is my favorite Simmons memory.

Graduating seniors share their favorite memories from Simmons!

Simmons Leadership Conference

When Former First Lady Michelle Obama participated in the Simmons Leadership Conference, a forum devoted to empowering women to become leaders in their fields. During the conference, Obama stated that her goal is to energize, educate and empower leaders at every stage of their career; and inspire people to embrace a different vision of leadership, and not be blinded with the idea that only males can be leaders. That conference was really memorable for me because as a black woman. She increased my self-confidence and inspired me to be a leader.

- Andrea Borges '20

Travel Course: Spain

My favorite Simmons memory is my study abroad experience. The summer after my first year, I took a travel course with Simmons and studied Spanish for a month in Granada, Spain. (#DonataInGranada am I right??) Granada quickly became a city I love and vow to return to; it's rich in culture, has amazing food, and contains the most friendly locals! I lived with a host mom and another student from Simmons during my time there. We also got to go on excursions to other nearby cities such as Cordoba and Seville.

During our month there, we were encouraged to be fully immersed in the language and culture. It was a fast month, but I became much more confident in my Spanish skills by the end of it. Since then, I've been able to use my skills to translate and speak with hospital patients in Spanish as well! Even if you don't have time in your course load to spend a whole semester abroad, I would highly recommend taking a travel course with Simmons!

- Donata Liu '20

Travel Course: Bali

The summer after my first-year, I had the opportunity to go abroad with Professor Horn on a faculty-led travel course to Bali. The class focused on social entrepreneurship, and we spent a month working with Balinese college students to build socially impactful business models. The course was one of the most challenging yet profound experiences that I've had — we worked 9-5 every day brainstorming ideas, challenging assumptions, and surveying local community members.

My team was composed of two Americans and three Balinese students, and we learned a lot about communication in a team, cross-culturally but also across different personalities. These weeks really tested us, but I still remember the feeling of relief and reward after we presented our final project pitch to the local community. Looking back on the experience, I learned so much, made friends for life, and walked away with memories that I will cherish forever. 

- Kaya Chou-Kudu '20


My maternity clinical at Tufts this semester! I recently had the opportunity to shadow a nurse in Labor and Delivery, and I was able to witness a birth! I helped the nurse hold the mom’s legs up, and encourage her while pushing. When the baby was finally delivered I almost teared up! It was a beautiful moment and I feel so lucky that Simmons has given me the opportunity to experience these sorts of things. It really reminded me of why I’m in nursing school in the first place.

- Ella Cornu '20

Dance Company

One of my favorite Simmons memories is the time I spent as a member of the Simmons University Dance Company (SUDC). I have been dancing since I was 3 years old and wanted to continue dancing in college. SUDC allowed me to keep doing something I love without being too stressed. The three or four hours a week I spent dancing with SUDC were always something I looked forward to and that I knew would relieve my daily stress. I will never forget how much fun I had in rehearsals and performing every semester as well as the lifelong friends I have made through SUDC.

- Molly Blackwell '20, '22DPT

Quality Time on the Quad

My favorite Simmons memory happens to be spring semester, sophomore year. There was one day in May, three days before finals and my friends and I were coming back from clinical. Recently my friend's aunt had brought her a large box of Chapati bread.

As we were walking back to campus, we saw a large group of our friends sitting on the lawn chairs. I remember everyone screaming, “Where’s the Chapati”? My friend then went inside her dorm and got the Chapati bread to share. There were about 15 of us on the lawn, talking, laughing and playing games. I remember thinking to myself, this scene looks like one from the movies. That day, I made some of my closest friends and a best friend that I still have today. 

- Kara Walsh '20


Some of my favorite memories come from living on campus over the summer when I participated in SURPASs. We were all living in Simmons Hall, where I had lived during my first year, so it was the warmest and most joyful déjà vu.

It kind of felt like summer camp! All of the scholars made friends with each other so quickly through our common experience, even though everyone’s projects were so different! We cooked together, watched movies in the evenings, and gave each other advice on how we were handling our projects. I had a blast and miss it so much!

- Lilli Thorne '20

Communications Department

I can’t pinpoint a specific memory, but I’ll always love the community of the Communications Department! The Comm Lab is such a nice, creative space and I’ve really loved being a part of it. 

-Yasmine Ebeed '20

Boston Music Awards

I think my favorite memory is going to the Boston Music Awards at the House of Blues as press for Simmons Radio. I was in a radio operations class at the time and we were able to get press passes because we were doing a special for the radio. It was a great night! I don’t think I would have had that opportunity if I wasn’t at Simmons.

-Kat Reidl '20


My favorite Simmons memory isn’t necessarily a specific moment but rather the memories I am constantly making with my friends. Simmons has truly given me some of the best friends in my life and has changed me for the better as a person. My friends at Simmons have made me feel so much closer to the Simmons community and have gotten me involved in so many events that I probably wouldn’t have gone to without them. Any memory I make with my friends is my favorite Simmons memory.

- Hannah Parlman '20, '21MA

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