Graduating seniors in the Class of 2021 share their favorite memories from Simmons!
Alternative Spring Break

"I have so many great memories that I will forever cherish. It is so hard to pick just one! If I really had to narrow it down, it would be my trip to Colorado with Simmons Alternative Spring Break. I got to meet a lot of new people and helped build a home for a family. It was my first time doing something like this, and I’m so happy I decided to go."
Caring Faculty and Staff

"My favorite Simmons memory is something very small. I remember lamenting to Carlos from Bartol about how much I missed Caribbean food because I did not have time to go home and my mother was too busy to bring me food. He ended up incorporating some Dominican food, mangu, and carne guisada into the menu to make me feel more at home. Unfortunately, he is no longer working at Simmons, but that encapsulates the general feeling I got at Simmons from everyone I interacted with on a daily basis. I felt cared for in that moment, I feel cared for now in my final few weeks as a Simmons student, and I know I will be cared for as a Simmons alumna because of the bonds I formed at Simmons."

"As I flip through my many Simmons memories, one moment in particular comes to mind. During my time within the Department of Chemistry and Physics, we have formed a very strong cohort of students, faculty, and staff. Prior to COVID-19, a beloved physics professor would hold “Astronomy Night” despite Simmons not having an astronomy program. A few star enthusiasts and I would set up telescopes and binoculars to observe constellations.
On one of these nights, I captured a clear image of Orion’s Belt which is part of the larger constellation Orion. Orion was described in the Odyssey as a giant hunter, armed with an unbreakable club of solid bronze. Months later, the professor responsible for Astronomy Night printed this image as a gift and symbol to carry with me as I spearhead and overcome obstacles. These evenings under the stars, alongside my Simmons family, are moments I will cherish as an alum."

"My favorite Simmons memory is finding my niche with other social work students and working with the Violence Prevention and Educational Outreach (VPEO) office. This office helps advocate for students facing intimate partner violence, presents educational programs to minimize violence, and increases awareness within the Simmons community. I was hired by the VPEO and have thoroughly enjoyed working with Sam Fox and other student advocates."
Clubs and Orgs

"During the club fair, I ran into a student who lived in Singapore and went to a sister school of my high school. It was so much fun getting to know her and talking about our experiences as international students. I ended up joining the club, Multicultural International Student Organization (MISO)."

"I have so many memorable experiences from my time at Simmons. Something that was super memorable was this past semester’s showcase day for the Simmons University Dance Company. It was a sad day because we should have been dancing on stage and showing off all of our hard work, but because we were remote for the second half of the semester, we didn’t get that chance. However, we got together as a company on Zoom and watched a slideshow that one of our presidents made, then gave members time to talk about the company (which led to a lot of tears and love spread around).
We ended the day by watching some of our favorite past dances. Although it was a sad time, it was heartwarming to come together as a community to support each other and reminisce on some of our favorite memories together. Some of my happiest memories are tied to the dance company, and I am so grateful for having a community to dance with, be silly with, and call my best friends."

"Towards the end of my first year, I became heavily involved in clubs and organizations, and now I hold e-board positions for them. Being in these spaces allowed me to meet amazing people who were just like me that I wouldn’t have met elsewhere. My Simmons moment was feeling the sense of community I felt on my first tour, multiplied by ten. It was finding people you’ve only known for a few months but being comfortable enough to consider them family."
— Josephine Tran-Vong '21

"Being a part of the organizing team for SharkHack, Simmons annual hackathon!"
— Pragyee Nepal '21
Inspiring Conferences

"My favorite Simmons memory is attending the New England Women’s Policy Conference with my friend Gail in our sophomore year. It was all about women in politics — we even attended sessions that encouraged young women to run for office. Professor Pechulis also attended! The #MeToo movement founder, Tarana Burke, spoke — it was deeply inspiring, and I will never forget her valuable words."
Lifelong Friendships

"I think one of my first and favorite memories at Simmons is hanging out with my friends in the study room in the South Hall basement. A couple of weeks into my first year, I gathered with some of my classmates to work on a lab report that we had due. As study sessions with friends go, we ended up fooling around a lot, and I felt like I had known them for years instead of weeks. Now, they're some of my best friends, and I fondly look back at some of our first memories together."

"I remember the strong, supportive friendships I had during my time at Simmons. Throughout many exam periods, my friends and I would perspire together in the Beatley Library. As a commuter, my friends would take me as a guest in their dorms when we would study late. We’ve also made many study guides together, went on many food-outings (though mostly in Bartol Hall), and bonded many times online during quarantine in the Undergraduate Journal Club that we created together for the Simmons community. In many ways, my friends have taken care of me, and they still continue to inspire me with their altruism, work ethic, and intelligence to this day."

"My favorite Simmons memory is a culmination of all the times I hung out at Bartol late night with my friends just laughing and talking and eating candy. We always had the absolute best time and there was so much space for us to be goofy and ourselves. Some nights, we would stay till we were asked to leave, and we would be the last ones there. That sense of togetherness and community and joy was always there on those nights, and I miss it dearly."

"I actually don’t have a specific favorite memory at Simmons because a new memory is created every time I am with my friends. But if I have to pick one, it would be the memories of becoming friends with each of my close friends at Simmons. They are truly the ones who have encouraged me, motivated me, and kept a smile on my face while at Simmons."
Studying Overseas

"Definitely traveling to Argentina with Simmons World Challenge. I was able to meet students from all different majors and work on projects that I cared about. We studied social and political barriers to infant nutrition and breastfeeding in the context of the United States in January 2019. In May, we traveled to Buenos Aires to study on the same topic in the context of Argentina. World Challenge has been central to my experience at Simmons. The program is open to sophomores every year — I would definitely recommend applying!"
— Abby Vervaeke '21

"The summer after my first year, I was able to travel to Bali, Indonesia with Professor Horn and around 20 of my peers to study women’s political mobilization through social entrepreneurship. We visited all sorts of incredible non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Bali, but East Bali Immersion, a social enterprise which provides meaningful education and livelihood opportunities to the local community while creating an ethical, high quality product, was a highlight. I managed to roll myself out of bed at 5 a.m. to see the sun rise over the island – not just an absolutely unforgettable experience, but one given to me through a college course? Unbeatable."

"My favorite Simmons memory is the time I was able to spend with my Lacrosse team in Florida last year. We came home from Spring break to an extended vacation that quickly turned into months-long quarantine. I've had very few experiences that were as impactful and memorable as that week away with my teammates. I can't thank them and my coaches enough for making my experience as a transfer student as incredible as it has been — I owe them so much."
Traveling with Friends

"My favorite Simmons memory is going to New York City with my friends. The tickets were really cheap, so it was a perfect opportunity. I actually wasn’t sure if I wanted to go because I had a lot of assignments due, but I’m glad my friend convinced me to. It was such an amazing experience and we were able to take a lot of pictures and explore the city — including Times Square, Madison Avenue, and many different food places."

"Another memory that I love was the day trip to New York City that the Office of Student Leadership & Activities (OSLA) organizes every year. Three of my closest friends and I woke up early one Saturday morning and were able to spend the entire day exploring Manhattan. We had lox and bagels from Russ and Daughters as soon as we arrived and then made our way through Washington Square Park, 5th Avenue, and stopped by the New York Public Library before spending time in Central Park. We went shopping in the Turnstyle Underground Market and some window shopping at Saks 5th Avenue.
I will always smile thinking of that day, and I’m so lucky to have that experience with some of my favorite people that I was fortunate enough to meet here at Simmons."