Alumnae/i Feature

Simmons Alumna Broadcasts Joy of Music

Photo of a violin being held to the sky. Photograph by M.t.lifshits, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Creative Commons.
Photo credit: M.t.lifshits, courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Creative Commons

Longtime classical music and opera lover Felice Coral ’74, who studied biology and nursing at Simmons and in 2014 retired from a career in consulting and oncological research, serves as a DJ for WOMR. For the Provincetown community radio station, Coral co-hosts Café Classicale (Monday afternoons) and Opera House (Saturday afternoons/early evenings).

As Coral told The Provincetown Independent, “What fascinates me is that music is a reflection of the politics and culture of the time in which the composer lived.” 

Outside the studio, Coral promotes local concerts, particularly those featuring student musicians. “The community should go out and hear their kids perform and see what music can offer young people,” she says.

Read the full story in The Provincetown Independent.

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Kathryn Dickason