Bruce Warren


Dr. Warren focuses his teaching, research, and consulting in management and law, with an emphasis in the employment law and ethics area. Along with publishing articles on employment law, he has utilized his training and background as a law practitioner and as an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association, and continues to consult with small businesses and non-profit organizations. Dr. Warren is admitted to practice law before all Massachusetts Courts, the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and the United States Supreme Court. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association, the Middlesex County Bar Association, the South Middlesex County Bar Association, the American Business Law Association, the North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association, and the Eastern Academy of Management. Dr. Warren joined the Simmons faculty in 1970. Dr. Warren has also been an adjunct professor at Babson College, Bentley College, and the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Care Professions Graduate Program. His recent publications include Teaching Business Ethics--Is it a Lost Cause? and Stalking in the Wilderness: A Preventive View of the Law of Sexual Harassment.


  • J.D., Suffolk University Law School
  • MBA, Clark University
  • B.S., Bryant College
  • Diploma United States Army Command and General Staff College


  • Business Law
  • Introduction to Management
  • Special Topics in Management: Seminar
  • The Manager & the Law


Refereed Articles

  • Warren, B., Sampson, S., & McFee, E. (2010). Business Schools: Ethics, Assurance of Learning and the Future. Organization Management Journal.
  • Warren, B. (2008). To Live, To Work, To Prosper: Do Illegal Aliens Have Legal Rights? Business Law Review, 41.
  • Warren, B. (2006). Ethical Concerns and Considerations for Organizations in the New Millennium. Business Law Review.
  • Warren, B. & Rosenthal, D. (2006). Teaching Business Ethics-Is it A Lost Cause? International Journal of Management.
  • Warren, B. & Merritt, T. (2005). Stalking in the Wilderness: A Preventative View of the Law of Sexual Harassment. Business Law Review.

Refereed Proceedings

Full Paper

  • Warren, B., Sampson, S., & McFee, E. (2009). Business Schools: Ethics, Assurance of Learning and the Future. 46th Eastern Academy of Management, Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Warren, B. & Rosenthal, D. (2005). Teaching Business Ethics - Is It A Lost Cause? 42nd Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Warren, B. W., Beyer Hurst, C., Woodilla, J., & Vega, G. (2003). Live and Learn: Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility In Introductory Business/Management Education. Eastern Academy of Management.
  • Warren, B. W., Woodilla, J., Hess, P. W., & Hurst, C. (2002). Wrestling with The Elephant: Revitalizing The Business/Management Introductory Course. Eastern Academy of Management.

Presentation of Refereed Papers


  • Warren, B. (2009). Business Schools: Ethics, Assurance of Learning and the Future. Eastern Academy of Management, Hartford, Connecticut.
  • Warren, B. (2008, April). 'To Live, To Work, To Prosper: Do Illegal Aliens Have Legal Rights?'. North Atlantic Regional Business Law Associations Annual Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.
  • Warren, B. & Garbuzov, L. (2006, April). Ethical Concerns and Considerations for Organizations in the New Millennium. North Atlantic Regional Business Law Associations Annual Conference, Wellesley, Massachusetts.
  • Warren, B. & Rosenthal, D. (2005, May). Teaching Business Ethics - Is It A Lost Cause? 42nd Eastern Academy of Management, Springfield, Massachusetts.
  • Warren, B. W. & Merritt, T. B. (2005, April). Stalking in the Wilderness: A Preventive View of the Law of Sexual Harassment. North Atlantic Regional Business Law Associations Annual Conference, Waltham, Massachusetts.
  • Warren, B. W., Beyer Hurst, C., Woodilla, J., & Vega, G. (2003, May). Live and Learn: Values, Ethics and Social Responsibility In Introductory Business/Management Education. Eastern Academy of Management, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Warren, B. W., Woodilla, J., Hess, P. W., & Hurst, C. (2002, May). Wrestling with the Elephant: Revitalizing The Business/Management Introductory Course. Eastern Academy of Management, New Haven, Connecticut.
  • Warren, B. W. & Merritt, T. B. (2000, April). Competing Values In The Private Sector Workplace: Employee Privacy and Random Drug Testing. North Atlantic Regional Business Law Associations Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.