Gary Gaumer

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Gaumer is a health economist with program responsibility for courses in Economics and Business Performance Measurement. He has been a prominent health services researcher, leading the activities of Cambridge-based Abt Associates in this area for many years. An expert on incentive payment systems in health care, he has helped Medicare develop and test incentive systems and has established systems for Medicaid in states including Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, Montana, Alaska and New Mexico. He also has done research on international health, alternative medicine, telemedicine and healthcare labor markets.

As a consultant, he designs and implements health financing and information systems reforms for clients, including the U.N., World Bank and the U.S. State Department, in such countries as Egypt, Jordan, China, Albania, Armenia, Kosovo, and Iraq. He serves on the Board of the VNA Care Network Hospice. He is a former faculty member and now Research Scholar at the Heller School at Brandeis University where he does research on international health topics for the Gates Foundation and other clients. Recent work for Gates has focused on quantitative papers dealing with improving the effectiveness of global malaria policy.


  • Ph.D. Northern Illinois University 
  • B.S. Bradley University 


  • SNHS 450 U.S. Health System: Interdisciplinary Perspective
  • SW 532 Demystifying Budgets
  • GSM 411 Economic Analysis for Managers
  • GSM 412 Business, Government & the Global Economy (BGGE)
  • GSM 502 Independent Study
  • GSM 612 Health Economics
  • GSM 613 Health Industry Markets & Business Models
  • HCA 500 Introduction to the Business of Health Care 
  • HCA 504 Health Economics
  • MBAH 410 Health Economics
  • MBAH 502 Health Care Independent Study
  • MBAH 578 Current Topics in HealthCare Management
  • MBAHO 410 Health Economics (online)
  • MBAO 411 Economic Analysis for Managers (online)
  • MGMT 112 Personal Finance
  • MGMT 350 Independent Study


Working Papers

  • "Cost Effectiveness of Mobile Health for Antenatal Care and Facility Births in Nigeria," International Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2018. 
  • "Racial Disparities in Senior Hospital Management," Health Affairs, 2018. 
  • "Gender Equity in Senior Hospital Management," Journal of Healthcare Management, 2018. 
  • "Public Health Spending and Cervical Cancer Incidence: A Panel Data Study of Canadian Provinces," International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 2017. 
  • "Patient Engagement: A Physician's Perspective in Saudi Arabia," Saudi Medical Journal, 2016. 
  • "Cost Effectiveness of A Supporting Network for HIV Prevention in Egypt," Internal Guidance for the Drosos Foundation, 2016. 
  • "Designing a Pilot to Demonstrate a Revolving Drug Fund that will Improve Prescribing Patterns in Liberia," policy guidance for the Government of Liberia, 2016.


  • "Discrimination Against Women in Hospital Management," Brandeis Women's Center, 2017.
  • "Determinants of Costs of Family Planning Programs: Costs per CYP," International Conference of Family Planning, 2016. 
  • "Workshop on Health Policy for Pharmaceuticals in Liberia," Liberia Ministry of Stakeholder Health Policy Workshop, 2016. 
  • "Unit Costs of Reproductive Health Programs," USAID Office of Population, Global Health Bureau, 2015. 
  • "History of Policy Research on Impacts of Prospective Payment," DRGS at Age 30: Looking Back and Looking Forward, 2014. 
  • "CEA and Scaling Up Malaria Policy in Africa," Pathfinder International, 2014.
  • "Innovation Opportunities for Big Data in Health Care," TechSandBox; Accelerating Innovation in MetroWest Massachusetts, 2014. 


  • "Evaluation of HIV Prevention and Harm Reduction in Egypt," Drosos Foundation, 2016.
  • "A Training Strategy for Implementing Social Health Insurance and other Health Reforms in Kosovo," Ministry of Health Kosovo, 2014. 
  • "Capacity Building Needs and Training Plan for Reform in Kosovo," Ministry of Health Kosovo, 2014. 
  • "Costs of Producing Effective Contraception in Poor Countries," Pathfinder International, 2014. 
  • "Advances in the Health, Nutrition, and Population Sector—a Review of IEG's 2009 Health, Nutrition, and Population Sector Evaluation," Worldbank IEG, 2014.
  • "Implementing Health Reform in Kosovo," World Bank Concept Note, 2013.


  • Racial and Gender Diversity in Hospital Management: Implications on Outcomes, President's Fund for Faculty Excellence, 2015.


  • "Modeling the Returns on Options for Malaria Case Management in Ethiopia," Journal of Health Policy and Planning, 2013.

Research/Creative Activities

Racial and Gender Discrimination in Hospital Senior Management

Professor of Practice Robert Coulam and Associate Professor Gary Gaumer continue their long-standing econometric research on inequity in management opportunities in U.S. hospitals, using data from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). In 2009, they published an initial paper on racial inequity in hospital management. With additional funding support from Simmons they are now able to study discrimination using new EEOC data that reports gender and race for all hospital managers and senior managers.

Learn more about Racial and Gender Discrimination in Hospital Senior Management

Consulting Work

Dr. Gaumer does consulting for international donor organizations to advise governments about ways to improve the performance of their health system. Recent clients have included UNAIDS, USAID, DFID (British), World Bank, among others. For these clients he does incentive program design work, pilot program evaluation, workshops on international best practices, and design of simple primary care information systems. In the last couple of years, Dr. Gaumer has worked in Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, Kosovo, and China.