Jacqueline Dyer

Associate Professor of Practice and DSW Director

As a social worker for more than 25 years, Dr. Jacqueline Dyer has worked in direct mental health counseling practice, community outreach and advocacy, program development and leadership, and in academia. Her research and scholarly interests include clergy compassion fatigue, historical trauma, and intimate partner violence in faith communities. She has served as a clinical supervisor in secular and Christian agencies, and as a volunteer facilitator for a Christian domestic violence support-group. She presents professionally and in the community on the intersections of mental health and faith and maintain a community-based private practice. She has taught at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, and in the social work programs at Eastern Nazarene College, Wheelock College and Salem State University. She tells people she was born a social worker and loves to teach.


  • PhD, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
  • MSW, Boston College Graduate School of Social Work
  • BA, Wellesley College


  • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (MA)


  • Advanced Practice
  • Adaptive Leadership: Implementing Leadership Through Social Justice Lens

Research/Creative Activities

Dr. Dyer's research interests are connected to her community work in faith contexts and with church leadership. She is interested in and has researched clergy compassion fatigue, the intersections of intimate partner violence and faith. She also has a growing interest in the impact of historical trauma in communities of color, particularly those of African descent.



Dyer, J. (2017). "Can We All Get Along?" Contact Magazine, 2017 Winter/Spring. Posted: https://www.gordonconwell.edu/blog/racial-reconciliation-series-can-we-all-get-along/

Dyer, J. (2016). Just social work? Collaborating with African American clergy to address intimate partner violence in churches. Christianity & Social Work, 43(4), 32-54.

Dyer, J. (2010). Challenging assumptions: Clergy perspectives and practices regarding intimate partner violence. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work, 29(1), 33-48. DOI: 10.1080/15426430903479254.

Book Chapters

Dyer, J. (2020). Historical Trauma to Shalom. In Vince Bantu (Ed.), Gospel Haymanot. Chicago, IL: Urban Ministries Publishing.

Dyer, J. (2011). Calling Couples to Accountability—It's in the House. In Nancy Nason-Clark, Catherine Clark Kroeger, & Barbara Fisher-Townsend (Eds.), Responding to Abuse in Christian Homes: A challenge to churches and their leaders (pp. 87-97). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. ISBN: 978-1-61097-178-2.

Jacqueline Dyer in the News

A lightpost with a Simmons University banner attached.

Two Simmons Faculty Members Receive North Star Fellowships

Samuel Odom from the School of Social Work and Don Simmons from the School of Library and Information Science, have been named fellows by the North Star Collective Faculty Fellowship, which is designed to promote supportive community and racial healing for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) faculty members across New England.

Shout-outs from Students and Alums

Grant Pike ’18MSW ’24DSW. Photo credit: Megan Afon Walker

Integrating Forest Spirituality into a Social Work Mindset

Grant Pike ’18MSW ’24DSW shares how the vitality of nature can be combined with social work and social justice, with a positive impact on humans and the planet.