John Lowe

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Lowe has taught at Simmons University for twenty-three years. He teaches patient safety and quality, health systems, and operations management in the HC MBA curriculum and health systems and field research in the undergraduate curriculum. Dr. Lowe was principal investigator on a project funded by the National Center for Health Care Leadership to incorporate leadership competencies into health management curricula and was co-principal investigator on a Helene Fuld Fund grant to incorporate CI methodologies into the community-health nursing curriculum at Simmons.

Dr. Lowe conducts research on using continuous improvement (CI) methodologies to address community health issues (such as teen pregnancy, domestic violence and adolescent health). He also investigates best practices in health care organization governance function and structure and the application and use of diversity metrics for senior leadership and management in health care organizations. 

Dr. Lowe is former board chair of the Emerson Health System, Concord, MA and the Trustee Advisory Council of the Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA).  He served on the Regional Policy Board (New England) of the American Hospital Association.  Previously, he chaired the board of AUPHA and served as chair of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Committee on Higher Education and Research.  He currently serves on the Standards Council of the Commission on Accreditation of Health Management Education.

Before coming to Simmons, Dr. Lowe was research associate in urban planning at the University of Illinois at Chicago, vice president of the Hospital Research and Educational Trust, research affiliate of the American Hospital Association in Chicago, and dean for development and administration at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia.


  • Ph.D. University of Illinois/Chicago
  • Postgraduate Fellowship, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
  • M.S. Ohio State University
  • B.S. Duke University


Undergraduate Classes

  • MGMT 349 Advancing Your Career
  • MGMT 350 Independent Study
  • MGMT 370 Internship
  • MGMT 380 Field Experience
  • BOS 101 What the Health is Going on in Boston?
  • LDR 101 Health Care and Your Leadership
  • MATH 118 Introductory Statistics

Graduate Classes

  • GSM 415 Quantitative Analysis


Select Publications

Li, Yulong and Lowe, John, “Sharing Clinical Knowledge among Physicians in a Single- Specialty Practice Group, Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, November, 2015.

Lowe, John, Curing the Business of Health Care, Management Magazine, 1:1, 2012, p. 16-19.

Sherril, Windsor, Westerman, John, Howell, R. Edward, and Lowe, John, “Mentoring in Health Services Management,” The Health Care Manager, 31:1, 2012, p. 44-51.