Vicky Smith

Adjunct Faculty

About Me

Vicky Smith is the children's & teen editor of Kirkus Reviews, a semimonthly journal trusted for its honest, authoritative opinions since 1933 (though she hasn't been there nearly that long). A holder of a Master of Arts degree in children's literature from the Center for the Study of Children's Literature at Simmons, she is also now an adjunct instructor in that program. She has served on numerous books-award committees, including the Newbery and Caldecott, and she chaired the 2010 Sibert committee. When she is not reading or writing about books for children and teens, she enjoys bicycling the Maine coast and tending her backyard bees. She is also a former Guinness world record holder for longest team read-aloud, which mostly proves that anybody who can read can also break a world record if they are nutty enough.