Campus Sustainability

Since the 2000 IMP, Simmons has made excellent progress on sustainability improvements on campus. The Management Building and Academic Quad project were awarded LEED Gold certification, and other university construction projects, including the expansion of Beatley Library and the Fens Cafeteria incorporated sustainable design aimed at reduced energy and water consumption along with increased use of recycled and sustainable materials. Simmons has also completed many infrastructure improvement projects to improve energy efficiency, including:

  • Upgrading the main campus boiler plant and main switchgear
  • Installing a white reflective roof on the Holmes Sports Center
  • Upgrading HVAC equipment to connect all buildings to a central automated temperature control system, enabling the implementation of energy efficiency standards in all classrooms and meeting spaces
  • Setting classroom temperatures based on room occupancy
  • Controlling interior lights through room sensors, and exterior lights by photo cell
  • Upgrading lighting to improve efficiency through use of compact florescent lighting and LED lighting in large areas such as Residence Campus exterior lighting, the new Ifill School (west wing of 1st floor of MCB), the Center for Student Success (ground floor of Lefavour Hall), office suites on the 3rd floor of the MCB, and in the underground garages
  • Installing new passenger and freight elevators in the Park Science Center in the summer of 2011, which reduced electrical load for the building elevators by 40 percent; 
  • Replacing the roof on the Management Building and the Park Science Building and adding insulation to the decking to save energy
  • Installing insulation jackets on hot water components on both campuses 2018
  • Installing variable speed control units on mechanical equipment on both campuses in 2017
  • Performing annual steam trap surveys on both campuses to ensure operational efficiency and to reduce energy costs through steam losses
  • Installing hydration stations in 2016 to reduce the purchase of single use water bottles and to reduce carbon emissions
  • Using organic infill for the fields at the Daly Field athletic complex.

Over the past decade, Simmons has increased recycling on campus, now offering single stream recycling in all buildings, including residence halls. Simmons has also steadily increased the use of recycled products on campus, including all paper towels and toilet tissue; and has implemented a program for composting kitchen waste.

Simmons University is also a Tobacco Free Campus. What began as a project by students grew into a community-wide initiative to promote the health and wellness of Simmons students, faculty, and staff by providing a living, working, and learning environment free of secondhand smoke. We are committed to supporting all members of the community in managing the challenges of maintaining a tobacco free campus.