Explore resources relating to issues involving COVID-19 including financial assistance, where to access free or affordable food, LGBTQ specific services and more. This section additionally includes information on housing stability, neighborhood specific mutual aid supports, and mental health resources.

Financial Support

Emergency Direct Aid for LGBTQ+ Youth: BAGLY provides financial options for individuals to apply for financial support. Applications are available through their website.

Financial Assistance for all Undocumented IMMIGRANTS who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19: Explore this resource list for undocumented immigrants in need of housing, health care, food access, and more. Check out a list of funds available for individuals based on occupation.

Artists Relief Fund: Boston Artists who have lost work due to COVID-19 can apply to this fund which offers grants of $500 and $1,000. Artists can apply through June 30th.

Cambridge Community Foundation: Anyone who lives or works in Cambridge, MA can apply for disaster relief of $200-$1,000. You do not need to be documented to apply.

Undocu Scholars: If you are undocumented yourself or have family members who are undocumented and have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, click on this link to fill out a request form for emergency funds.

Supporting Undocumented Families: The Betancort Macias Family Scholarship Foundation is raising necessary funding for undocumented families and individuals to aid them during COVID-19.

Equity, Inclusion and COVID-19

The Fullest Look Yet at the Racial Inequity of Coronavirus: Globally we are seeing inequities like never before.These pandemic inequities include disparities in infection rates, death, hospitalizations and testing . A recent article by NYTimens notes the most comprehensive look at racial/ethnic disparities related to COVID-19 thus far. These disparities occur in almost every county in the US with a significant burden of COVID on Latinx, Black and Indigenous communities.

Harvard Researchers Reveal Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Black and Latinx Americans: COVID-19 mortality rates between racial and ethnic groups reveal Latinx Americans have lost 48,204 years, Black Americans have lost 45,777 years, non-Latinx white Americans have lost 33,446 years, and Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have lost 8,905 years of potential life due to the COVID-19 crisis. Disappointingly, no data was provided for AIAN.

Center to Support Immigrant Organizing: This list specifically provides resources to immigrant communities including funding opportunities, legal information, webinars and general COVID-19 information.

Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) Program and COVID-19 State of Emergency: The RAFT Program provides financial resources to households impacted by COVID-19 and explores other housing based assistance.

COVID-19 Master Resource List: This comprehensive list of Massachusetts resources includes financial support, housing resources and food accessibility. 

Internet Support: This link provides information on internet companies offering free internet access to allow people to get online.

Project Bread: This Spanish language resource provides information on where and how to access Massachusetts specific resources.

Petitions To Support Working Class During COVID-19: This is a list of petitions and organizations working to support workers during COVID-19.

Massachusetts Workers Emergency Relief Funds: Workers impacted by COVID-19 can apply here for funds regardless of immigration status.

Coronavirus: Wisdom from a Social Justice Lens: This webinar series explores the social justice implications of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Conversations - Webinar on COVID-19 and Health Equity: This webinar explores disparities and long-term health impacts.

The College Student's Guide to Stress Management: An Infographic from Purdue University Global.

Asian American Impact

Asian Americans Advancing Justice Hate Crime Reporting Page

Stop AAPI Hate: Submission form available in English and select East and Southeast Asian languages.

Rise of Anti-Asian (especially anti-Chinese) Harassment

Massachusetts Resources

School Closure Meal Information: Explore where to access free school meals throughout the state of Massachusetts. 

Massachusetts COVID-19 Mutual Aid Networks: A list of area specific resources and opportunities to connect.

Mass UndocuFund: The Massachusetts UndocuFund was founded to provide resources to undocumented individuals impacted by COVID-19. Apply here to be notified when funding becomes available.

MAS Mutual Aid: This online digital resource organized by Muslim American Society, Boston provides information on community resources for anyone who might be in need. These resources include where to access free groceries, mutual aid offerings, and more.

Boston COVID-19 Community CareThis document provides a collection of Boston-specific community care resources. Find information on free meal access, childcare, mutual aid services, and much more.

Mutual Aid Jamaica Plain & Roxbury: This document offers a mutual aid network specifically for the Jamaica Plain and Roxbury area. Check out this page to find ways to help and to see what aid offerings are available.

Solidarity Supply Distro: Every Monday at 5:30PM, free groceries will be available at Makeshift Boston, 549 Columbus Avenue.

Covid-19 Mutual Aid Networks: From Massachusetts Jobs for Justice, this website provides a list of mutual aid networks for each county and additional links for individuals living in Massachusetts who need help with food and other necessities.

Lawyers for Civil Rights Boston: Need Legal Help & Support During COVID-19? This legal resource is here to help.

LGBTQ Resources

In Solidarity With Community During COVID-19: Explore this list of Massachusetts specific resources from the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition.

Resources for Massachusetts LGBTQIA+ Youth During COVID-19This list includes financial help, educational resources, housing, food, social connection and more.

COVID-19 Resources for Massachusetts’ LGBTQ+ Youth: BAGLY provides a resource list that includes entertainment and internet access, educational and employment opportunities, housing and behavioral health resources.

Mental Health Resources

The Trevor Project: Counselors are available 24/7 if you are seeking help with suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety, or just need someone to talk to.

Trans Lifeline: This organization seeks to connect members of the trans community to support services and resources.

PFLAG Support Hotlines: This link provides a list of crisis hotlines that are available.

Mental Health And COVID-19 – Information and Resources: Links to resources that provide support and information coping with mental illness and mental health concerns during a pandemic.

World Health Organization: Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak: This document provides a guideline for speaking about COVID-19 and ways to minimize triggering anxiety and stress.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty: A guide on keeping your mental health a priority during COVID-19 and techniques to keep fear and anxiety at bay.

Center for Online Education: Critical Mental Health Resources for College Students: A collection of resources specifically for students facing mental health concerns.

Healing & Arts Resources During COVID-19: This document includes healing & arts resources offered virtually during the pandemic, especially ones that center/ are run by people of color.

Additional Resources

COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act: To facilitate the expedited review of COVID–19 hate crimes, and for other purposes.

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