Mental Health & Self Care
Now, more than ever, it is important to take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Check out tips on maintaining this essential aspect of your life, especially while participating in activism work.
- Radical Self Care: Angela Davis: Need a refresher on the importance of self care? Check out this video from Angela Davis.
- The Four Bodies: A Holistic Toolkit for Coping With Racial Trauma: Explore this guide on healing from racial trauma.
- National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network: Wondering where to find a therapist that reflects your identity? Explore this network.
- Black Wellness Guide: Explore this guide of self care resources for Black individuals.
- It’s okay to prioritize your mental health while fighting racism: This article highlights the importance of mental health while fighting for justice. (Women's Health)
- Don’t just read about racism—Read stories about black people living: On the importance of reading of the experiences of Black individuals. (Cosmopolitan)
- Your Black Colleagues May Look Like They are Okay — Chances Are They are Not: Check out this article that provides the perspective of Black individuals in the workplace and the impact that racism has on them. (Refinery29)
- Healing in Action: Follow this guide on healing while engaging in activism.
- Grief is a direct impact of racism: Eight ways to support yourself: Explore this article on 8 ways to take care of your mental health while experiencing racism. (The Conversation)