Professional Development

These funds are intended to support professional development activities such as the dissemination of creative work or scholarship (e.g. conference travel), and to be aligned with school priorities.

Academic Year 21-22 Update: Full-time faculty are eligible for up to $900 in funds. International travel restrictions remain through Fall 2021.

DEADLINES: Funds are available for use from July 1 through June 30. In order to accommodate the end of fiscal year deadlines, faculty members should either have their funds spent or have communicated a plan to use their remaining funds by no later than May 31. If no plan has been communicated by May 31st, funds may be reallocated. Please note, these funds are not an entitlement and may not be "rolled over" from one fiscal year to the next.

Apply now online

Examples of Approved Expenditures

Professional development funding can only be used to cover material and supply costs.

  • Conference/research expenses – including membership, registration, flights, lodging, meals, gas mileage, etc.
  • Editorial services/fees for article, journal or book submissions
  • Membership renewal – shall be directly related to the faculty's field of academia
  • Continuing education course(s) or certification(s)
  • Workshop fees
  • Supplies or equipment related to research
  • Subscriptions to databases (with input from IT)
  • Discipline-specific software (with approval from IT)
  • Discipline-specific journals not subscribed to by the library

Professional Development may not be used to cover….

Funds cannot be used to supplement a department's existing operating budget.

  • Student salaries, student registrations for conferences, etc.
  • Personal book purchase or journal subscriptions
  • Non-academic memberships

Fund Management

The Ifill School Faculty Support Coordinator provides administrative support. Please contact [email protected] or stop by A-350C in MCB for assistance.

Funds are located in the department budget associated with each faculty member's primary academic appointment. Full-time faculty are eligible for up to a set amount per academic year. Proportional faculty are eligible for prorated funds based upon appointment.

Whenever possible, please coordinate with Ifill professional staff to use a university purchasing card. When reimbursements are necessary, all receipts need to be submitted through Workday in order for reimbursement paperwork to be processed. Proof of purchase is required. Expenses should be made in the name of the faculty member seeking reimbursement and tied to a corresponding credit card. Avoid sharing costs amongst colleagues. If it is needed, please request split checks or invoices. 

Expense Timing and Fiscal Years

Per Finance policy, expenses are booked in the fiscal year when the event, conference, or service takes place. For example, if a conference is in October, all expenses will count against that fiscal year’s Professional Development fund, even if an airline ticket is booked the prior fiscal year. The same policy applies to memberships. If you join or renew a membership that will be active across fiscal years, Accounts Payable will prorate accordingly.

Dean's Supplemental Fund

Full-time faculty may apply for one-time supplemental funding of up to $750 for the dissemination of original scholarship or creative activity at a second or additional conference (i.e., a presentation) or the equivalent. This is intended for faculty who have exhausted their individual professional development funds and the Faculty Development Funds available through Sponsored Programs Support.

Apply through the regular Professional Development Funds process on the Ifill webpage, checking the "Supplemental Funding" box. Applications must be approved in advance of the professional development activity and funds must be expended by the end of the fiscal year. Applications accepted on a rolling basis with decisions on the 15th of each month. Decisions based on merit of the opportunity and available funds.