Corporation and Foundation Giving

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations works to identify, cultivate, and strengthen strategic relationships between Simmons University and local, regional and national foundations.

Through this process, we introduce foundation representatives to appropriate administrators, faculty, staff, and students in order to develop and strengthen mutually beneficial, ongoing relationships. To date, collaborations with numerous local and regional foundations have proven beneficial and enriching for all parties.

For more information on how to apply for corporate or foundation support or to partner with Simmons University for mutually-beneficial purposes, please contact Lori Friedman, Associate Vice President of Advancement, at [email protected] or 617-521-2367.

For Simmons University Faculty and Staff

The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations is here to help faculty members and staff with preparing concept papers, proposals, budgets, and other required documentation. In addition, we can help to identify foundation and corporate funding prospects, review and interpret funder guidelines, review proposal packages for compliance, and transmitting the proposal to the prospective funder.

Prior to requesting our help, faculty and staff should secure the appropriate internal approvals. The following are links to new policies related to securing such approvals for philanthropic grants from foundations and corporations:

Policy on Securing Internal Approvals for External Funding Proposals

Policy on Classification of Funds as Sponsored or Philanthropic

Policy on Managing Stewardship and Donor Relations Aspects of Philanthropic Grants

Policy on Indirect Costs