Student Story

Meet Your Orientation Captain: Mia McGillicuddy '22

Headshot of Mia McGillicuddy

I love all aspects of Orientation, but I am most excited about seeing the campus come back together. After such challenging times for everyone, I’m just excited to see the first-year and sophomore classes explore Simmons for the first time.

What's your major and where are you from?

I am in the 4+1 elementary and special education program with a major in psychology. I am originally from Medford, MA, about 15 minutes north of Boston.

What residence hall did you live in as a first-year?

I lived in South Hall in a triple!

What made you choose Simmons?

I wanted to go to Simmons since I was a sophomore in high school when my older sister applied. It just checked all of my boxes, including a great location, class size, and the welcoming community of students and staff.

What made you make the move to become an Orientation Captain?

I went for this position because of the captains during my first year as an Orientation Leader. They believed in me when I had doubts and were such great models to look up to. They encouraged me to become a Captain and continue to cheer me on!

What are you most excited for at Orientation?

I love all aspects of Orientation, but I am most excited about seeing the campus come back together. After such challenging times for everyone, I’m just excited to see the first-year and sophomore classes explore Simmons for the first time.

It's important to keep self-care at the forefront throughout your first year.

What is something you've learned from the last year that you'll take with you?

I have learned not to take anything for granted and to pursue opportunities whenever I can. No matter if that's to travel, spend time with friends, or even take a new job. Exploring all of your options and possibilities is important even if you are scared of the unknown.

Is there anyone at Simmons you've met virtually that you're excited to meet in person?

I am excited to meet one of my psychology professors Dr. Reeder. I spent three semesters taking classes with him but have never met him in person. I am excited to swing by during his office hours and talk about psychology!

Do you have any tips for first-years?

If I had any advice for first-years, it would be to take care of themselves. It's important to keep self-care at the forefront throughout your first year. Many new experiences and people will be coming at you but remember to sit down and have a nice meal, take a walk, or listen to music, anything that will give you a chance to de-stress and take time for yourself.

What's one item you couldn't live without during your first-year?

One thing that I loved in my dorm room was string lights. They can act as a nice alternative to overhead lighting when you’re chilling in your room and want a calm space.

Tell us one fun fact about yourself.

My favorite movie of all time is Ratatouille!

What is your favorite Simmons memory?

One of my favorite memories from Simmons was actually my first time as an Orientation Leader. I made so many new friends and felt a sense of belonging at Simmons from being part of a great team of people.

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