
We're so excited to welcome you to our community.

Class of 2020 students eating during orientation.

Welcome New Sharks!

We are thrilled you have decided to join the Simmons family. As a Shark, you now belong to a dynamic community of leaders and scholars. You will be able to explore new possibilities and take advantage of the experiences and opportunities that Simmons has to offer. Go Simmons Sharks!

Students hanging out on the quad

Spring Orientation Resources

Find All Things Orientation on our resources site!

Learn More!

Simmons University Main College Building in the fall

First Bite Orientation

We can't wait to meet you at fall Orientation!


Graduation cap that reads "Mom and Dad, this one is for you"

Orientation for Parents and Families

We're thrilled your student has chosen Simmons! Learn more about campus at our Orientation for parents and families.

Parent and Family Orientation