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  1. An adult and a child wearing raincoats and dancing in a puddle

    An interview with Professor Naresh Agarwal from the School of Library and Information Science.

  2. Headshot of Rebecca Davis

    "The North Star Collective Faculty Fellowship provides an opportunity for BIPOC faculty to come together and create a community in which we can support one another," says SLIS Assistant Professor and Faculty Fellow Rebecca Davis. "Faculty Fellows learn about professional...

  3. Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis

    Dr. Lisa Fagin Davis, who teaches for SLIS, is passionate about medieval manuscripts. She directs the Medieval Academy of America and was recently featured on the Podcast. Here Davis shares with us how a study of medieval artifacts can help train future librarians.

  4. Associate Professor Lisa Hussey

    School of Library and Information Science Associate Professor Lisa Hussey is the recipient of the 2022 ALISE Excellence in Teaching Award. In her application, Hussey's students and colleagues noted her student-centered approach to teaching, from her dedication to mentoring students...

  5. man jumping on the middle of the street during daytime photo

    This is a conversation between Naresh Agarwal, Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Sciences and Director of Information Science and Tech Concentration at Simmons University, and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student in the Gender and Cultural Studies program...

  6. Associate Professor Lisa Hussey

    "Being an ally requires time, emotional effort, and risk," says SLIS Professor Lisa Hussey. "These are not always things that people think about when they say they're an ally. Posting something to Facebook saying you're an ally is a place...

  7. Erica Eynouf

    Eynouf started her career in the restaurant industry but soon fell in love with library science after completing her bachelor's degree. AFter learning about the opportunities at SLIS West, Eynouf never looked back.

  8. Simmons University Main College Building in the fall

    Simmons University received a $10,000 Presidential Grant through the Davis Education Foundation to fund a Post-Pandemic Innovative Teaching Award.

  9. A powerful collaboration memorial piece to George Floyd from the corner of Holton and North Avenue in Milwaukee.

    Assistant Professor Ann Graf sees the world a little differently, and she's on a mission to record it. After choosing to complete her thesis on graffiti art, Graf has expanded her research to cataloging street art in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  10. Chicago, Illinois. Ida B. Wells Housing Project. 1942

    Assistant Professor Sumayya Ahmed discusses her current project which looks at the archival traces of Black Southerner migration to Chicago through the lens of her maternal great-grandfather, who migrated from Alabama to Chicago in the early 1930s.