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  1. As an Adult Outpatient Clinical Social Worker at Boston Medical Center, Carmen Benjamin finds joy in empowering her clients. Learn about Carmen's journey into the master's in social work program, and why she felt at home with Simmons.

  2. Headshot of Marcela Aldaz Matos

    A dedicated advocate for women and minorities, Aldaz-Matos was appointed by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker to serve on the State’s first Latino Advisory Commission. We spoke to her about her current role as a Partner with Surfside Capital Advisors.

  3. Headshot of Danielle Ehrnstein with dog

    Working for a federal contractor, Ehrnstein conducts background investigations for security clearances. Learn how this former triple-major student utilizes the research skills she honed at Simmons, and the interesting places she's conducted interviews.

  4. Headshot of Ann Bradley

    Even after retiring in 2014, Ann Bradley ’59 hasn't stopped contributing to the medical field. We caught up with Bradley about her ever-evolving nursing career in the fields of public health, school health, and community health.

  5. Headshot of AdalizCruz

    Adaliz Cruz ’20MS isn't interested in the traditional subjects of music research. Learn more about her journey into studying and amplifying historically repressed, censored, and criminalized music.

  6. Headshot of Whitney Andrews

    While pursuing a dual art and mathematics major, Whitney Andrews '11 discovered the many connections these fields share. Now a financial planning and analysis manager at L'Oréal, Andrews tells us how Simmons allowed her to explore these disparate interests.

  7. Headshot of Vicky Biancolo

    Vicky Biancolo was appointed to the Board by Governor Charlie Baker in 2020. She is excited to improve the services of all library types all across the Commonwealth.

  8. Headshot of Vini Delgadillo

    Senior marketing major, Venezia Delgadillo, tells us about turning a three-month venture into a two-year internship, and her most impactful experience at Simmons.

  9. Michel Henry, author and social worker for Boston Public Schools, tells us about creating and performing "Dinosaur Rap," and his personal mission of reducing the psychological impacts of poverty and violence through music.

  10. Books on a shelf

    Library Director Ann Bognolo connected her students with the Great Falls Books Through Bars organization. Through this program, Bognolo helped her students understand the transformative power of libraries and education.