Request Accommodations on Assessments (Exam or Quiz)

Students approved for testing accommodations may request to take exams through the on-ground OAS Testing Center. Eligible students may take any timed, in-class assessment (e.g. exams, quizzes, compositions, etc.) in the OAS Testing Center. The OAS Testing Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. We are located in room E-050 in the Center for Student Success, Lefavour Hall. Please direct any questions related to the OAS Testing Center to [email protected].

How do I request assessments in the OAS Testing Center?

Accommodate Booking Instructions

You can also view video instructions for Requesting Exams in the OAS Testing Center.

  1. Log into your Accommodate account.
  2. Navigate to the Testing Room by clicking "Testing Room" on the left side.
  3. Review Important Information, such as OAS operating hours ( Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM), and be sure to book your exam at least 2 business days beforehand. Business days are any day Simmons University is open.
  4. Schedule for the same time/day as your in-class exam.
    • Your exam must be scheduled for the same time and day as your in-class exam.
    • If there's a conflict (like a time overlap), you must schedule for the next available time.
  5. Click "New Booking Request" and Choose the course you need to book for (e.g., BIO 101-02), the exam date (e.g., September 9th), and the exam time. Select the time range. If you know the duration of your exam, enter it. If you don't know, leave it blank.
  6. If necessary, override the course length.
    • If your exam is longer than usual (e.g., has a quiz or special format), click "Yes" to override the course length.
    • If unsure, click "No."
  7. Confirm availability by checking the available slots. Accommodate will automatically show you the latest available time you can book to receive your full extended time.
  8. If necessary, select the closest available time.
    • For example, if your exam is at 8 AM and our office opens at 8:30 AM, you'll need to choose 8:30 AM.
  9. Submit Your Request and wait for the confirmation email. You'll receive a confirmation email once your booking is approved. If you don't get this email, your booking hasn't been processed and you do not have an appointment with us.
  10. If necessary, update or cancel your booking by emailing us at [email protected].
  11. Prepare for your exam by reviewing the details in your confirmation email for what to do on the exam day. By following these steps, you'll ensure that your accommodations and exam are set up in time for your booking time. Additionally, review the testing center guidelines. If you don't follow them, your request might be denied or you might not be able to proceed with testing.

Please Review Our Testing Policies

  • If the date and/or time of an exam changes after you have already submitted the exam request form, email [email protected] to update your exam reservation details.
  • If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for your assessment, you must receive permission from your faculty member to begin the exam
  • If you arrive more than 15 minutes late you may not have access to you full extended time based on the office closing times.
  • The OAS Testing Center is a quiet and respectful environment. Students who cause disruptions to other testers may be asked to leave and reschedule.

Office of Accessibility Services

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) is committed to reducing barriers and enabling the full participation of students in our programs and activities. We provide academic and clinical accommodations to undergraduate and graduate students with documented accessibility needs.