Conferences and Presentations

Conference Proceedings

Anderson, E., Pinkerton, J., Ford, B., Lori J., Noll, T., Ransom, S., & Wooten, L. (2006). Case studies of strategic leadership approaches to racial and ethnic disparities in pregnancy outcomes. Annual Meeting American Public Health Association, Boston MA.

Wooten, L & Wooten, D. (2000). Competitive Dynamics of the African-American Hair Care Industry. North American Case Research Proceedings.

James, E & Wooten, L. (1999). Workforce 2000: Strategic Responses to Diversity Crises in U.S. Organizations” (with Erika Hayes James).  British Academy of Management Proceedings, 1999.

Wooten, L. (1998). Strategic Balancing in Professional Service Firms.” National Academy of Management, Best Papers Proceedings (Business Policy & Strategy Division), 1998.

Wooten, L. & Blackman, S. (1994). Bold Experiments and Best Human Resource Management Practices:  A Study Linking Theory and Practice. International Federation of Scholar Association of Management (IFSAM).


Wooten, L. & Bartel, A, (2019). Building Your Own Social Innovation Pathway for Students. Ashoka U – San Diego, CA.

Wooten, L. & Lucy-Speidel, B. (2018). Developing Student Leaders: Dyson by DESIGN, Franklin Covey Leader U Global Summit – Salt Lake City, UT.

Wooten, L. & Lucy-Speidel, B. (2018). Developing Student Leaders: The Dyson Experience, Student Leadership Educational Network (SLEN), Cornell University – Ithaca, NY.

Wooten, L. (2018). Crises as an Opportunity for Renewal and Resilience. Positive Business Conference, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business – Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Wooten, L. (2018). The Aspiring Leaders Seminar: The first 100 days. Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) – Tampa, FL.

Wooten, L. (2018). Educating a Diverse Workforce. Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Deans Conference – Las Vegas, NV.

Wooten, L. (2018). Living an Integrative Life in the Academy. University of Pennsylvania, Wharton Society for the Advancement of Women in Business Academia (WSMBA) – Philadelphia, PA.

Wooten, L. (2018). Shareholder Value and Social Values Friends or Foes: A Conscious Capitalism Perspective. Cornell University, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University.

Wooten, L. (2016).  Building Cultural Intelligent Organizations: A campus experience. Cultural Intelligence Summit – Grand Rapids, MI.

Wooten, L., Upton, S., Kozlo, L & Hass, L. (2016). Diversity is Not Enough: Strategies for high quality learning outcomes. American Association of Colleges & University (AACU), Diversity, Learning & Student Success Conference – Philadelphia, PA.

Wooten, L. & Kirsch, P. (2015). Making Identity & Diversity Knowledge a Degree Requirement. National Undergraduate Business Symposium, University of Texas – Austin Texas.

Wooten, L. & Kirsch, P. (2013). Case Study: Reflective Mindset, Appreciative Advising & Ross BBA Students. Aspen Institute Undergraduate Business Education Consortium – Denver, Colorado.

Wooten, L. (2012). "Seeding" Positive Organizational Scholarship in an Undergraduate Capstone Course. Annual Academy of Management Meeting – Boston, Massachusetts

Myers, V. & Wooten, L. (2010). Generative Change in Health Care Organizations: From inertia to action in reducing patient disparities. Annual Academy of Management Meeting – Montreal, Canada.

James, E. Wooten, L. (2010). Seeing the Glass Half Full: Using a Positive Organizational Scholarship Framework to Teach Leading under Pressure in Crisis Situations.  Annual Academy of Management Meeting – Montreal, Canada.

Wooten, L. (2010). Leadership Developing from a Positive Organizational Scholarship Perspective. American Psychological Association (APA), Division 45 -- The Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Wooten, L. (2009). Diversity Management and Inclusive Culture as a Vehicle for Creating Excellence in Organization: From Vision to Action. The Independent Sector Annual Conference, Detroit, Michigan.

Wooten, L. (2009). Extraordinary Leadership: A Positive Organizational Scholarship Perspective from Research and Practice. American Urogynecologic Society, Hollywood, Florida.

Myers, V. & Wooten, L. (2009). Defining Diversity: A Qualitative Analysis of Leading Hospitals, Annual Academy of Management Meeting – Chicago, IL.

Wooten, L. (2009). Managing and Leveraging Diversity at Work. ICLE Labor & Employment Law Institute, Plymouth, Michigan.

Wooten, L. (2009). Leading Organizational Change: The Promise of Diversity & Inclusion in Foundations. The Council of Michigan Foundations, Detroit Michigan.

Wooten, L. (2009). Positive Organizing for Professional Collaborative Development. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, West Palm Beach, Florida.

Wooten, L. (2009). The Reflected Best Self: Building a Leadership Brand. Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics. West Palm, Florida.

Wooten, L. (2008). Positive Organizing in Leadership in Healthcare Organizations. Michigan Health System, Grand Rounds of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Myers, V. & Wooten, L. (2008) The Intersection of Cyber-Diversity & Healthcare Quality: A Qualitative Analysis of Institutionalized Practices of the Nation's Leading Hospitals. Quality Healthcare for Culturally Diverse Populations, Minneapolis, MN.

Myers, V. & Wooten, L. (2008). The Intersection of Diversity Management Strategies & Healthcare Quality. Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship, University of Michigan.

Wooten , L. (2008). Managing and Leveraging Generations at Work. The Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management, Dallas, Texas.

Wooten, L. (2008). Putting on Clinic: Exposing Strategic Opportunities in the Urban Healthcare Sector. Emerging Domestic Markets Conference. Darden School of Business, University of Virginia.

Wooten, L. Ransom, S., Anderson, E., Pinkerton, J. & T. Noll (2007). Strategic Leadership in Healthcare: The Role of Collective Change Agents in Closing the Gap of Healthcare Disparities, Annual Academy of Management Meeting – Philadelphia, PA.

Wooten, L. (2007). Strategizing to Address Healthcare Disparities: Case Studies of Health  Systems Partnerships and Capacity Building Activities. Academy of Health, Annual Research Meeting, Orlando, Florida.

Wooten, L. (2007). Community Strategies to Address Infant Mortality & Improve Birth Outcomes: It takes a village for capacity building. National Association of County & City Health Officials - Webcast.

E. Anderson, J. Pinkerton, B. Ford, J. Lori, T. Noll, Ransom, S, & Wooten, L (2006). Case studies of strategic leadership approaches to racial and ethnic disparities in pregnancy outcomes. Annual Meeting American Public Health Association, Boston MA.

Wooten, L, & James, E. (2006). A Time-Ordered Path Model of Discrimination Lawsuits, Annual Academy of Management Meeting - Atlanta, GA.

Root, L. & Wooten, L. (2006). Winning at Blue Collar Blues: Fathers Using Sports as a Metaphor to Manage Work Family Conflict. Annual Academy of Management Meeting - Atlanta, GA.

Wooten, L. (March, 2006). Diversity Crisis: A Tale of How Firms Manage Discrimination Lawsuits. Michigan State University, Research Seminar – Department of Industrial & Organizational Psychology.

Wooten, L. (January, 2006). Positive Organizing Routines: The role of resilience
in closing the gap of prenatal healthcare disparities. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan.

Wooten, L. (September, 2005). Research Views from the Top: Diversity & Corporate Boards. Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, Detroit Bureau.

Root, L. & Wooten, L. (May, 2005). Informal Flexibility within Rigid Work Schedules: Father’s Involvement Children’s Sports/Extracurricular Activities. Sloan Foundation – Work Family Conference.

Wooten, L. (December, 2004). Health Disparities and Leadership: Thoughts from the Organizational Theory, University of Michigan, NIH Roadmap Grant, Symposium.

Wooten, L. (November, 2004). Muddling Through Nvivo: A case study of computerizing qualitative analysis of management data. Management & Organization, Brown Bag. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan.

Wooten, L. (September, 2004). Leveraging Workforce Diversity in the News Industry. University of Michigan, Media Conference.

Wooten, L. (August 2004). An Affirmative Action Double Bind. Annual Academy of Management Meeting - New Orleans, Louisiana.

Wooten, L. (March, 2004). Managing the Battle of Boomers, Xers and Yers Generations of Healthcare Providers: Lessons from Diversity Management Research. University of Michigan Health System, Grand Rounds of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Wooten, L. (2003). Midwifery Human Resource Management. The cultural challenges of managing Generation Xers and Baby Boomers. National Midwifery Business Institute.

Wooten, L. (2003). When a Deviant Culture is a Positive Resource: The Case of a Nurse-Midwife Practice. Session Coordinator, Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle Washington.

Wooten, L. (2003). Strategic Human Resource Management Strategies in the Multi-Cultural Organization. University of Michigan, Center for Education of Women.

Wooten, L. (2002). Walking the Talk: Why some organizations are more successful than others at implementing work-family programs? Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, Colorado.

Wooten, L. (2002). Leadership roles in Implementing Constructive Organizational Cultures. National Midwifery Business Institute.

Wooten, L. (2001). Cultural Knowledge as Strategic Resource: The Case of a Nurse Midwifery Practice. National Midwifery Business Institute.

Wooten, L. (2001). When Firms Fail to Learn: The Perpetuation of Discrimination in the Workplace. Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Wooten, L. (2000). Being in the Spotlight: Factors that Influence Firms’ Responses and Learning from Public Diversity Crises. University of Michigan Business School, Hosmer Lunch.

Wooten, L. (2000). Strategic Human Resource Management and Second-Generation Issues, National Center for African-American Leadership.

James, E. H. & Wooten, L. (2000). Being in the Spotlight: How Firms Respond to Public Diversity Crises. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Wooten, L. & Finely-Hervey, J. (2000). Strategic Investments in Family-Friendly Work Environments: Linking Practices to Human Resource Management Performance. Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Wooten, L. (2000). Proving Your Worth: How to show work/life programs really pay. Big Ten Work-Life Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

James, E. H. & Wooten, L. (2000). Workplace discrimination: Why do firms continue to make the same mistakes? Presented at Rice University’s conference on Psychological and Organizational Perspectives on Unfair Discrimination in the Workplace: Research, Theory and Practice. Houston, TX.

Wooten, L. (1999). What Makes Women-Friendly Professional Service Firms Tick? The Diffusion of Knowledge through Institutional and Resource Pressures. Conference on Knowledge and Professional Organizations, The Center for Professional Service Firms, University of Alberta.

Wooten, L. (1998). Developing Managerial Competencies for the Intelligent Enterprise: A triad distance approach to distance learning. Academy of Management Meeting, San Diego, California (Best Symposium Award, Management & Education Development Division).

Wooten, L. (1996). Strategic Management of Knowledge in Professional Service Firms: A resource-based view of control and coordination mechanisms. Strategic Management Society Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.