Submit a Proposal
How and when can we work together?
We encourage you to let us know in a timely manner of your intent to submit a proposal. As soon as a potential funder has been identified, you should discuss your project with your Department Chair or Program Director and your Dean—particularly with respect to the commitment of University resources that might be required to carry out the proposed activities (e.g., Project Director's and other staff members' time, matching funds, use of campus facilities, etc.). Working together early in a grant cycle helps facilitate our ability to obtain the necessary approvals to move the proposal forward.
In order to make sure that proposed grant activities comply with Simmons' and funder's policies, this office and the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations circulate grant proposals to appropriate University administrators for their review prior to submission. We need to build adequate time into the proposal preparation process to accomplish this.
Important Requirement for Prior Review: All funding proposals, grant applications, agreements, contracts, and sub-awards require Simmons' institutional review and approval. Please submit an application through the portal below at least 4 weeks in advance of the sponsor's deadline.
- Simmons Budget 1-Year Template
- Simmons Budget Multi-Year Template
- Simmons Budget Justification Template
Submission Process
This process is required for all external funding applications submitted through or on behalf of Simmons University, including subawards, phase 1 applications, and any other funding proposals
- 1.1. InfoReady Submission (Applicant)
Submit your proposal through the InfoReady application webform, budget and narrative, abstract (1-page). Submit at least 30 days prior to sponsor's deadline. Applications exceeding $100,000 and those requiring a cost-share are reviewed by the External Funding Priority Committee (EFPC), and may require additional time. - 1.2. Institutional Review (CFE or Advancement)
Determination if the application is handled through CFE or Advancement. Staff will contact applicant for suggestions and required changes, and will route the application for institutional review: Department Head, Finance, Dean, Operations, EFPC. - 1.3. Applicant is Notified of Internal Approval (CFE or Advancement)
Applicant can proceed to next step: Application Submission to Sponsor.
- 2.1. Develop all application documents (applicant, CFE/Advancement)
Prepare a draft of all sponsor-required scientific, administrative, and financial documents. - 2.2. Send all drafts to CFE or Advancement
No later than 2 weeks before the deadline (applicant). - 2.3. Drafts Review (CFE/Advancement/Peer Reviewers)
Completed by 10 days before the deadline. Revisions sent to applicant. - 2.4. Final Documents Review
Applicant submits all final document to CFE or Advancement no later than 1 week before the deadline. - 2.5. Submission
No later than 1 business day before the deadline. Federal applications are submitted by CFE, non-federal are submitted by the applicant or Advancement (depending on sponsor's requirements)
- 3.1. Award Notification (CFE/Advancement, applicant)
Shared with Department Head, Dean, Operations, Finance, EFPC. - 3.2. Award Set-up.
Worktag is created in Workday and the Controller’s Office (Chris Maguire) will schedule a kick-off meeting. Project is managed by the applicant, with administrative support of CFE, Advancement, Operations, and Finance. Contracts are signed by an Authorized Organizational Representative.
The following are important policies that pertain to the preparation of external funding proposals. These can be found on the Forms & Policy Index and are also listed below.
- Policy on Securing Internal Approvals for External Funding Proposals
- Policy on Classification of Funds as Sponsored or Philanthropic
- Policy on Indirect Costs
How can you reach us?
If you have any questions, send us an e-mail at [email protected].