Submitting to the IRB

All submissions to the Institutional Review Board must be submitted through Cayuse IRB.

Getting started with the IRB

All investigators are required to obtain a written IRB approval prior to initiating any human subjects research part of their study. Classroom/Performance Improvement Projects are deemed as “Exempt”, no human subjects research, unless otherwise stated by a member of the board.

When planning a start date for your project, keep in mind that the start date should be the date of your official approval.

Please plan for a minimum of 30 days for the review process, including turnaround time for feedback and revisions as necessary. The amount of time will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to, complexity of the project, risk involved, and timeliness of PI responses to reviewer comments. Your timely response to reviewer comments will support a more expeditious review process.

Note: All steps must be completed prior to officially submitting a protocol for IRB review.

Steps to take prior to your submission

  • Cayuse IT Support
    If you run into any product or technical issues, submit a ticket to Cayuse support by emailing them at [email protected], or calling toll-free: 1-877-689-3661.
  • Include researchers/CO-PIs on the study
    • Include only CO-PIs who are involved in the study
    • If applicable, the student and their advisor should start working on the protocol well in advance
    • All researchers listed must be aware of the submission, and of the CITI and Cayuse requirements. They need to certify (approve) the protocol before it is reviewed by the IRB.
  • Request that the IRB analyst attend your class (for students/teachers)
    If your course requires submitting for the IRB, send an email to [email protected] and request that the IRB analyst attend your class for a short presentation about the IRB process. We recommend having this presentation take place in the beginning of the course.

Sample IRB Protocols

Submitting through Cayuse IRB


Guidance for Investigators

Training Resources