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  1. Jorge Cardona '21MSW

    What the job entails: Jorge is a school social worker at the Charles Sumner Elementary School, a Boston Public School for Pre-K-5 students in Roslindale, Massachusetts. In this varied, rewarding role, he provides one-on-one counseling, crisis intervention, and group therapy...

  2. Olawumi "Ola" Akinwumi '13MA

    Long before Ola Akinwumi obtained her Master’s in Communication Management from Simmons, she gained experience in planning, curating, and producing events for non-profit organizations. Here she explains how a Simmons education helped expand her skills set. She now has her own business and works for ArtsBoston.

  3. Settenah Wright ’10 MATESL

    What made you choose to pursue your MA in Teaching English as a Second Language? I lived abroad in San Juan, Puerto Rico for two years, where I learned Spanish and taught English as a native speaker to adults working...

  4. Senator Harriette L. Chandler ’83MBA

    I am a state senator and I have been in the legislature for 28 years. I am retiring at the end of this year, after spending 22 years in the Senate and six years in the House. I have done almost every job you can do in the Senate, including Senate President. I was only the second woman to have that honor.

  5. Abby Frantz ‘05MSW

    Abby Frantz, MSW, LICSW, '05MSW is the Director of Wellness Programming and Training at Groton School in Groton, MA. Abby spoke to us about her time in the Simmons Master of Social Work program and her career in Wellness. What...

  6. Cody Zygmont '18MSN

    After completing his nursing graduate program at Simmons, Cody Zygmont is now a nurse practitioner based in Providence, Rhode Island. He recently made headlines for saving a young life. What made you become a bone marrow donor? Before Simmons, I...

  7. Joy Rodowicz ’14MS

    My title is Digital Assets and Records Manager at the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which is a fire and life safety organization that has been around for 125 years.

  8. Helena Fils ’07 ’21SN ’24MSN

    Helena Fils ’07 (English) ’21 (Nursing) wrapped her nursing board exams and received her license number in March 2022. Shortly thereafter, Helena returned to Simmons for her MSN. Why did you decide to attend Simmons for your undergraduate degree? My...

  9. Shirley N. Tyler '50

    For over forty years, Shirley N. Tyler '50 supported her community in Alexandria, Virginia, seeing them through floods, rat infestations, drug trafficking, the effects of redlining, and desegregation of the Alexandria public school system. Tyler was an educator, teaching second...

  10. Student Using Cell Phone

    When finishing their nursing program at Simmons in the spring of 2021, Sarah West and Rachael Puszczynski published "Exploring Recreational Screen Time and Social Anxiety in Adolescents” in Pediatric Nursing (April 2022). Their article won the Donna Wong Writers’ Award...