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  1. The waiting room of an overdose prevention center in New York City

    A conversation with Jeffrey Steen, Assistant Professor in the Simmons University School of Social Work.

  2. An adult and a child wearing raincoats and dancing in a puddle

    An interview with Professor Naresh Agarwal from the School of Library and Information Science.

  3. A close up of the United States on a globe with a variety of push pins marking different locations

    A conversation with Hugo Kamya, Professor in the Simmons University School of Social Work and Associate Director of the Center for Innovation in Clinical Social Work.

  4. man jumping on the middle of the street during daytime photo

    This is a conversation between Naresh Agarwal, Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Sciences and Director of Information Science and Tech Concentration at Simmons University, and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student in the Gender and Cultural Studies program...

  5. Mothers and children at the Mothers for Adequate Welfare (MAW) sit-in at the Roxbury Crossing welfare office

    Below is a conversation with historian Tatiana M.F. Cruz, Assistant Professor of Critical Race, Gender, and Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinary Program Director of Africana Studies at Simmons University. Talking with Taylor Eubanks, graduate student of Gender and Cultural Studies, Professor...

  6. Patchwork Flowers Blue Background Turquoise Purple

    The following interview between Professor Hugo Kamya from the School of Social Work at Simmons University and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student of Gender and Cultural Studies, discusses Professor Kamya's work on narrative practice and how our stories get told. What...

  7. Photo by Christina Morillo

    The following conversation took place between Dr. Renada Goldberg, Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Simmons University, and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student in the Gender and Cultural Studies program. Professor Goldberg talks about her current project for...

  8. man in gray hoodie sitting on chair - Photo by Keenan Beasley

    The following conversation takes place between Dr. Vanessa Robinson-Dooley, Associate Professor at Simmons University's School of Social Work, and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student in the Gender and Cultural Studies program. Dr. Robinson-Dooley talks through the development and application of the...

  9. Photo of Devashish Tiwari

    The following is a conversation between Devashish Tiwari, Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at Simmons University, and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student in the Gender and Cultural Studies program. Professor Tiwari discusses his current research on pediatric dizziness...

  10. Photo of Farooz Rather

    The following is a conversation between Farooz Rather, Assistant Professor, NTT, Department of Literature and Writing at Simmons University, and Taylor Eubanks, graduate student in the Gender and Cultural Studies program. Professor Rather discusses his current manuscript, a novel titled...