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  1. A student standing in library stacks wearing a grad cap and peering over the top of an open book

    Are you passionate about library science and technology? You can pursue both fields through a master's degree in library science with a technology concentration.

  2. Two rows of graduate students smiling during their Commencement from Simmons University

    A dual degree program offers you the chance to pursue rigorous academic study with the reward of graduating with two degrees (either in the same, or complementary, fields) at the same time.

  3. A student wearing a graduation cap, shrugging their shoulders and holding their palms up as if asking a question

    Are you looking for a pathway to a career that saves time and money, and sets you up for long-term success and fulfillment? An accelerated master’s or doctoral program may be your answer.

  4. The Boston waterfront at night

    As a college student in Boston, you will join 300,000 others attending one of the area’s 50 colleges and universities. Boston offers plenty of opportunities to connect with similarly-minded students also pursuing their academic and career dreams.

  5. A table of food, all components of a Mediterranean diet, such as fruits and wine.

    What is the difference between a Nutritionist and a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN)? The job titles sound similar, but the roles are in fact quite distinct. The difference between the two lies in their education and training.

  6. Simmons students involved in a classroom discussion.  One student is pointing at something in the front of the room.

    Many discuss the number one benefit: developing confidence. These schools help students find their voice more comfortably in an academic setting. In the long term, these students often leverage that confidence into executive roles or other positions of power.

  7. A student sits on a bench outside a building on the Simmons University campus

    Registered Nurse and Dotson Bridge and Mentoring Program Mentor Amanda Lee Davis ’15 recently relocated to Baltimore, Maryland, where she has already made a significant impression on the city’s healthcare community. She is also pursuing a doctoral degree at Johns Hopkins University.

  8. The 2025 cohort of Bonner Leaders

    The Bonner Community Leaders Program is a unique opportunity for students who want to combine a strong commitment to service with personal growth, teamwork, leadership development, and scholarship. We spoke with Ellie Foss ’28, Jocelyn Miranda Landaverde ’28, Bridget Swezey ’28, and Soraya Timas ’28 about what drew them to the program.

  9. Rebecca McDermott ’24MSW

    Rebecca McDermott is a clinician at Glenhaven Academy, a therapeutic residential school in Marlborough, Massachusetts. She works with students ages 12 to 21 with complex behavioral and mental health issues, providing trauma-informed individual therapy, as well as family and group therapy and case and IEP management.

  10. One of the Simmons University signs near campus

    Funding from the Henry Luce Foundation will support Simmons’ efforts to advance student success, retention, and confidence in STEM-related fields as well as a Clare Boothe Luce Professorship.