Edward Vieira


Dr. Vieira earned his Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from the University of Connecticut. He earned his M.B.A. in Management from Bryant University and a B.A. in Political Science from Rhode Island College. He has over thirty years of experience in marketing communication and strategic marketing, and has consulted for several European companies. He primarily teaches quantitative research methodologies, marketing research, consumer behavior, public relations, and integrated marketing communication courses at the graduate level.

At the undergraduate level, he teaches consumer behavior, marketing research, and strategic communication campaigns and planning. Professor Vieira's students have developed ad campaigns for clients such as multi-national corporations, the U. S. government, and non-profit organizations. He has developed the information architecture for and constructed several online courses. He is the recipient of teaching awards from the University of Hartford and American Intercontinental University. Professor Vieira has been a guest lecturer at numerous universities including Boston University, University of New Hampshire, Suffolk University, University of Connecticut, and Bryant University among others.

Recently, Routledge published his statistics textbook entitled, Introduction to Real World Statistics: With Step-By-Step SPSS Instructions, which has received highly positive reviews. His textbook, Public Relations Planning: A strategic approach, was also published by Routledge and made available on January 2, 2019. Dr. Vieira also published his first children’s picture book called What’s Your Favorite Season?

Dr. Vieira's research currently includes corporate social responsibility and internal organizational communication using of advanced statistical methodologies. He has developed over 15 unpublished consulting and research reports, and 35 peer-reviewed publications, including a book chapter, in such journals as Public Relations Review, Sage Publishing's Encyclopedia of Media Violence, Russian Journal of Communication, Journal of Business Ethics, Public Relations Journal, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Tourism Research, Reading Psychology, Educational Psychology, Journal of Communication Studies, Journal of Children and the Media, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, Journal of Family Violence, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Communication Research, American Journal of Media Psychology, Journal of Food Service, American Communication Journal, and Corporate Communication: An International Journal. He has co-authored more than 30 peer reviewed research papers presented at conferences such as the International Environmental Communicators Association International, the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, International Society for Research on Emotions, International Communication Association, National Communication Association, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, International Symposium: New Perspectives in Affective Science by The Center of Excellence for Psychological Studies at Kyoto University, International Tourism & Hospitality Conference, and other various international conference.

He has also served as a reviewer for 20 academic journals and is on the board of the following journals: Russian Journal of Communication, Public Relations Journal, Northwest Journal of Communication; International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, Corporate Communication: An International Journal, American Journal of Media Psychology and The Center for Applied and Communication Research at Simmons University.

As of 2018, Dr. Vieira serves on the Simmons' Institutional Review Board, the School of Management's Promotion and Tenure Committee, and is faculty advisor for the AAF and AMA undergraduate and graduate student chapters.

In his spare time, Dr. Vieira writes children's stories.


  • Ph.D. University of Connecticut
  • M.B.A. Bryant University
  • B.A. Rhode Island College


Undergraduate courses

  • MGMT 230: Why We Buy?
  • MGMT 231: Creating Brand Value
  • MGMT 232I and 232II: Beyond Advertising
  • MGMT 250: Principles of Marketing
  • MGMT 335: Marketing Research

Graduate courses

  • MBAO 415: Quantitative Analysis
  • MBAO 425: Marketing Management
  • MBAO 532: Consumer Psychology and Online Behavior
  • MBAO 573: Age of Social Media


Peer-Review Publications

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Buck, R. (2018). Competence, Credibility, Compassion, and Charisma: A study of the emotional bases of Presidential leadership pre and post 911: 2000-2001. American Communication Journal, 20(1), 87-108.

Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2018). Do External Events Influence Subsequent Social Responsibility (SR) Messaging? Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13, 91-98.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2017). The Role of Emotion in Assessing and Supporting President George W. Bush in 2000 and 2003. American Communication Journal, 19(1), 1-23.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2016). Text Network Analysis & the Computational Landscape Model: A study of concurrent validity. American Communication Journal, 18(1), 30-44.

Barrows, C., Vieira, E. T., Jr., & DiPietro, R. (2016). Increasing the Effectiveness of Benchmarking in the Restaurant Industry. International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking, 6(1), 79-111.

Priven, M., Baum, J., Vieira, E. T., Jr., Fung, T., & Herbold, N. (2015). The Influence of a Factitious Free-From Food Product Label on Consumer Perceptions of Healthfulness. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(11), 1808-1814. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.03.013.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2015). The Relationships Among Family Communication Patterns, Sympathy, Perspective-taking, and Girls’ Thoughts About Interpersonal Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 30, 607-619. DOI: 10.1007/s10896-015-9705-y.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2015). Determining factors leading to strategic management PR Practitioner Roles. Public Relations Review, 41(4), 544-550. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2015.05.005.

Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2014). Risk Dimensions and Political Decisions Frame Environmental Communication: A Content Analysis of Seven U.S. Newspapers from 1970-2010. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 13(2), 91-98.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2014). News Coverage of the Crimea: Who is setting the public agenda?Invited submission. Russian Journal of Communication. First print DOI: 10.1080/19409419.2014.912102.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2014). The Relationships Among Girls' Prosocial Video Gaming, Perspective-taking, Sympathy, and Thoughts About Violence. Communication Research, 41(7), 892-912. First published online before print as DOI: 10.1177/0093650211463049.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2014). Defining Public Relations Roles in the U.S.A. Using Cluster Analysis. Public Relations Review, 40, 60-68.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2013). A Classification of Family Communication Perspectives and Right-wing Authoritarianism Beliefs Using Cluster Analysis. American Communication Journal, 15(4), 1-12.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2013). Text Network Analysis of Presidential Rhetoric. Russian Journal of Communication, 5(3), 292-294. DOI:10.1080/19409419.2013.824810.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2013). Aggressive Personality. In M. E. Eastin, (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Media Violence. Thousand Oaks, C.A.: Sage Publications.

Barrows, C., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2013). Recommendations for the Development of a New Operational Classification System for the Foodservice Industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 37(3), 349-376.

Du, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2012). Striving for legitimacy through corporate social responsibility communication on the web: The oil industry case. Journal of Business Ethics, 110(4), 413-427. First published online before print as DOI: 10.1007/s10551-012-1490-4.

Grantham, S., Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Trinchero, C. (2011). Are We Practicing What We Preach? Perspectives on Public Relations Evaluation from Practitioners, Public Relations Journal, 5(3), 1-19. ISSN 1942-4604.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2011). Perceptions of Control Facilitate Reading Engagement. Reading Psychology, 32(4), 322-348.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2011). University Students Setting Goals in the Context of Autonomy, Self-efficacy, and Important Goal-related Task Engagement. Educational Psychology, 31(2), 141-156.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Krcmar, M. (2011). The desensitizing influences of video gaming on children’s moral reasoning about violence. Journal of Children and Media, 5(2), 113-131.

Sones, M., Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2009). Communicating CSR via pharmaceutical company web sites: Evaluating message frameworks for external and internal stakeholders. Corporate Communication: An International Journal, 14(2), 144-157.

Vieira, E. T. Jr., & Grantham, S. (2009). Antecedent Influences on Children’s Extrinsic Motivation to Go Online. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(3), 707-733.

Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2008). Profit Status as a Context Cue for Establishing Organizational Credibility. Journal of Communication Studies, 1(2), 107-130.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2008). Children’s Web Surfing Competence and Peer Influence as Predictors of Internet Usage. American Journal of Media Psychology, 1(3/4), 153-171.

Bruen, D., Pollock, C., Zirpolo, K., Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Herbold, N. (2007). Marketing Nutrition Through a Corporate Intranet. Journal of Foodservice, 18(5), 176-186.

Krcmar, M., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2005). Imitating Life, Imitating Television: The effect of family and television models on children's moral reasoning. Communication Research, 32(3), 1-28.

Video Publications

Sage Publications(Vieira, E. T., Jr.). (2015). Aggressive Personality [video production].Encyclopedia of Media Violence.

Sage Publications. (Vieira, E. T., Jr.). (2015). The Relationships Among Girls' Prosocial Video Gaming, Perspective-taking, Sympathy, and Thoughts About Violence [video production].Communication Research.

Elsevier Publishing. (Vieira, E. T., Jr.). (2013). Defining Public Relations Roles in the U.S.A. Using Cluster Analysis [video production]. Public Relations Review. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2013.11.021.

Other Publications

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2018). A New Content Analysis Methodology Appropriate for CSR Communication. In (Eds.) A. Lindgreen, J. Vanhamme, F. Maon, & R. Watkins, The Use and Effectiveness of CSR Communications through Digital Platforms: A Research Anthology. London, U.K.: Routledge.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2018). What’s Your Favorite Season? ISBN 978-1720721895. South Berwick, M.E.: ETV Publishing.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2017). The Importance of Defining the Public Relations Issue at Hand. LinkedIn. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/post/edit/importance-defining-public-relations-issue-hand-edward-t-vieira-jr-.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., Hayward, J. N., & Grantham, S. (2015). Power to the PR Professional: Embracing metrics to maximize the strategic role of the PR professional. Management Magazine, Spring.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2001). The Truth About Vouchers. Minorities and Communication News. Spring. Minorities and Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Columbia, S.C.: AEJMC Publications.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2001). Let's Get the Facts Straight Please. Minorities and Communication News.Winter. Minorities and Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Columbia, S.C.: AEJMC Publications.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2000). How Real are Opportunities for Quality Education? Minorities and Communication News. Fall. Minorities and Communication Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Columbia, S.C.: AEJMC Publications.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (1998). Speech Preparation Model. In Constructing Arguments (Fridy, S.). New York City, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Publishing.

Peer-Review Conference Papers and Presentations

Vieira, E. ., Jr., Barrows, C., & Cronin, R. (2016). A Predictive Financial Model of Food and Beverage in Clubs. Peer-reviewed presentation at the 89th World Conference on Club & Management and Club Business Expo of the Club Managers’ Association of America: in San Diego, CA, February 21-25.

Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2015). Social Responsibility or Social Responsiveness? An Examination of 12 Years of ExxonMobil CEO Letters (2002-2013). Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of The Society for Risk Analysis-Europe, Science, Policy, & Society: Bridging the gap between risk and science, Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 15-17.

Buck, R., Wang, Y., Nakamura, M., Jing, Y., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2015). An Ecological Systems View of Social Emotions: Evidence from Americans, Japanese, and Uyghur and Han Chinese. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Oakland, C.A., April 9-11.

Barrows, C., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2015). Increasing the Effectiveness of Benchmarking in the Restaurant Industry. Invited presentation. Paul College Scholar Series at the University of New Hampshire, February 6.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2014). A New Content Analysis Methodology: A Comparison of ExxonMobil’s CEO Corporate Citizen Report Letters for 2002 and 2012. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, May 22-26.

Barrows, C., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2013). A Classification System for the Foodservice Industry. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Tourism & Hospitality Conference, Heilbronn University, Heilbronn, Germany, October 14.

Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2013). Policy issues dominate U.S. environmental news: A content analysis of seven U.S. newspapers’ coverage of environmental issues from 1970-2010. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual International Environmental Communicators Association International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 7-10.

Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2012). The Right-Wing Personality and Family Communication. Invited presentation at The Center for Applied & Community Research at Simmons University.

Grantham, S., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2011). Strategize - Implement - Measure – Repeat: Are We Evaluating Our Way to PR Accountability? Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: St. Louis, M.O.

Buck, R., Kasker, C., Kowal, C., Triantis, G., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2010). Conceptualizing and Measuring Socio-Emotional Communication in Leadership: Charisma and the C4 Scale. Peer-reviewed paper presented at Seventh International Conference on Emotions and Worklife: Montreal, Canada.

Barrows, C., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2010). Recommendations for the Development of a New Operational Classification System for the Foodservice Industry. Invited presentation at the Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H., March 8.

Buck, R., Kowal, C., Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Triantis, G. (2009). The Nonverbal Communication of Character in Presidential Candidates: Competence, Compassion, Credibility, and Charisma. Panel presentation at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association: Chicago, I.L.

Buck, R., Polonsky, M., Nakamura, M., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2008). Dominance Versus Submission as the Ecological Context for the Emergence of Social and Moral Emotions. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology Symposium: Sacramento, C.A.

Buck, R., Nakamura, M., Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Polonsky, M. (2005). Dynamics of Higher Level Social Emotions: A Cross-National Comparison of America and Japan. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association: Boston, M.A.

Vieira, E. T., Jr., & Grantham, S. (2005). Organizational Credibility as a Function of Source Trust. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication: San Antonio, T.X.

Buck, R., Nakamura, M., Vieira, E. T, Jr., & Polonsky, M. (2005). Primary Social Emotions: An Emergent Dynamic Systems View. Symposium Presentation on Cultural Differences and Similarities in Emotion: Perspectives, Research Paradigms, and Findings Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions at Bari University, Bari, Italy.

Buck, R., Nakamura, M., Vieira, E. T. Jr., & Polonsky, M. (2005). A Developmental-Interactionist Theory of Biological and Higher Level Emotions: A Cross-National Comparison of America and Japan. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the International Symposium: New Perspectives in Affective Science by The Center of Excellence for Psychological Studies at Kyoto University, Tokyo, Japan.

Vieira, E. T., Jr, & Grantham, S. (2005). The Motivational Roles of Perceived Task Competence, Need for Achievement, and Goal-Setting on Task Intensity and Involvement. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association:New York, N.Y.

Buck, R., Vieira, E. T., Jr., Polonsky, M., & Nakamura, M. (2004). Higher-level Social and Moral Emotions in America and Japan: The SOSES Social Emotions Scale and the Same Social and Moral Emotions Scale. Presentation at the meeting of the International Society for Research on Emotions: New York, N.Y.

Buck, R., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2002). Competence, Credibility, Compassion, and Charisma: Changes in Emotional Responses to President Bush From Fall 2000 to Fall 2001. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Society of Experimental Social Psychology Convention: Ohio State University in Columbus, O.H.

Buck, R., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2002). Credibility, Compassion, and Charisma: A Study of the Emotional Bases of Leadership. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Communication Association: New Orleans, L.A.

Buck, R., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2002). The Dynamics of Social Emotions: Twins, Opposites, Converses, Reciprocals, and Mirrors. Presentation at the Bi-annual Conference of the International Society for Research on Emotions: Cuenca, Spain.

Krcmar, M., & Vieira, E. T., Jr. (2001). Imitating Life, Imitating Television: The Effect of Family and Television Models on Children's Moral Reasoning. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association: Washington, D.C.

Shout-outs from Students and Alums

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Brand Manager Abby Koss ‘19 Talks Retail Incubation and Conscious Consumerism

Koss works closely with emerging e-commerce brands and founders to help them grow. Learn more about her work at retail incubation company, For Now, and the key skills she learned at Simmons that she uses daily.