Rachele Pojednic

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Rachele Pojednic is an Assistant Professor of Nutrition at Simmons and a former Research Fellow at the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, Harvard Medical School. She holds a PhD from the Tufts University in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, where she was awarded the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. She also holds an EdM in Physical Education and Coaching.

As a researcher, Dr Pojednic has a specific focus on the application of:

  1. Nutrition and physical activity education for healthcare professionals
  2. Nutrition and physical activity interventions for muscle recovery and healthy aging


  • BS Cardiopulmonary and Exercise Science, Northeastern University
  • EdM Education and Coaching, Boston University
  • MS Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition, Tufts University
  • PhD Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition, Tufts University
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School

Area of Expertise

  • Physical Activity
  • Supplements
  • Muscle
  • Healthy Aging
  • Curriculum Development
  • Education
  • Science Communication


  • Advanced Food Science (NUTR201)
  • Community Nutrition (NUTR237)
  • Lifestyle Rx (NUTR360)
  • Exercise Assessment and Prescription (NUTR461)
  • Health Promotion (SNHS570)

Community Engagement

  • Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  • American College of Sports Medicine - Exercise is Medicine (EIM)
  • Lifestyle Medicine Education Collaborative (LMEd)

Research/Special Projects

  • Current Projects: Physical Activity Curriculum for Healthcare Professions; The Role of the Dietitian in Clinical Care; Supplementation for Muscle Recovery and Healthy Aging
  • Research Areas: Nutrition and Exercise Curriculum Development and Assessment for Healthcare Professionals; Nutrition and Exercise Interventions for the Treatment and Prevention of Chronic Disease


  • Klann A, Vu L, Freedman M, Ewing M, Pojednic RM. Utilizing the Urban Model to Influence Walkability for Older Adults in Rural Communities. Int J of Environ Pub Health. 2019 Aug 16(17).
  • Warner MF, Miklos KE, Strowman SR, Ireland K, Pojednic RM. Improved Access to and Impact of Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Services Associated with an Integrated Care Model in a High-Risk, Minority Population. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2018 Oct;118(10):1951-1957.
  • Pojednic RM, Bantham A, Arnstein F, Kennedy MA, Phillips E. Bridging the Gap Between Clinicians and Fitness Professionals: A Challenge to Exercise as Medicine. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2018. Oct 16; 4(1).
  • Pojednic RM, Polak R, Arnstein F, Kennedy MA, Bantham A, Phillips E. Practice Patterns, Counseling and Promotion of Physical Activity By Sports Medicine Physicians. J Sci Med Sport. 2017 Feb; 20(2):123-127.
  • Pojednic RM & Frates E. A parallel curriculum in lifestyle medicine. Clin Teach. 2017. Feb; 14(1):27-31.
  • Pojednic RM, Trilk J, Phillips E. 2015 Letter to the Editor: Lifestyle Medicine Curricula: An Initiative to Include Lifestyle Medicine in our Nation’s Medical Schools Academic Medicine July; 90(7):840-841.
  • Pojednic RM, Ceglia L, Lichtenstein A, Dawson-Hughes B, Fielding RA. 2015 Skeletal muscle vitamin D receptor protein is associated with intramuscular interleukin-6. Endocrine Jun;49(2):512-20.
  • Pojednic RM, Ceglia L, Gustafsson T, Olssen K, Lichtenstein A, Dawson-Hughes B, Fielding RA. 2015 Skeletal Muscle Vitamin D Receptor Increases with Vitamin D. Calcified Tissue International Mar;96(3):256-63
  • Pojednic RM & Ceglia L. 2014 The Emerging Biomolecular Role of Vitamin D in Skeletal Muscle. Exercise and Sport Science Reviews. Apr;42(2):76-81.
  • Pojednic RM, Clark D, Reid K, Patten C, Phillips E, Fielding RA. 2012. The specific contributions of force and velocity to muscle power in older adults, Experimental Gerontology, 47(8), 608-13.
  • Clark D, Pojednic RM, Reid K, Patten C, Pasha E, Phillips E, Fielding, RA. 2013 Longitudinal decline of neuromuscular activation capacity and power in older adults, J. Gerontol A Biol Scie Med Sci. Nov; 68 (11):1419-25
  • Ceglia L, Rivas D, Pojednic R, Price LL, Harris S, Smith D, Fielding RA, Dawson-Huges B. 2013 Effects of alkali supplementation and vitamin D insufficiency on rat skeletal muscle. Endocrine. Oct 44 (2): 454-64.


  • Nutrition and Cardiovascular Disease NHLBI: NRSA (NIH) Training Fellowship (T32HL69772) Lichtenstein, A (PI)

Shout-outs from Students and Alums

Dr. Lisa Brown, Emily Trussler and Julia Navon at the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) in Dublin Ireland.

Emily Trussler '18MS, '18C Presents at the European Nutrition Conference in Dublin

Intern of the Year, Emily Trussler, tells us why she decided to pursue a career in nutrition and how Simmons gave her the confidence to succeed.