Division of Student Engagement, Success, and Diversity
The Division of Student Engagement, Success, and Diversity is dedicated to empowering students to engage in transformative and meaningful experiences that foster community, career readiness, self-efficacy, and a sense of purpose.

Services and Support
Accessibility Services
The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) is committed to reducing barriers and enabling the full participation of students in our programs and activities. We provide academic and clinical accommodations to undergraduate and graduate students with documented accessibility needs.
International Student Services
The Center for Global Education (CGE) supports international undergraduate and graduate F-1 students enrolled at Simmons and connects students with other international students on campus.
Study Abroad
The Center for Global Education (CGE) connects on-campus undergraduate students with semester study abroad programs, summer study abroad programs, global internship programs, and short-term faculty-led programs offered through the Colleges of the Fenway.
Tutoring and Academic Support
The Writing & Academic Support Center provides online and on-campus individualized learning experiences to help students succeed. We offer undergraduate and graduate peer tutoring in multiple disciplines, coordinate peer study groups, and conduct drop-in writing workshops.
Undergraduate Advising
The Office of Undergraduate Advising provides one-on-one academic coaching, pre-health advising, SAMs peer mentoring, major fairs, workshops, and drop-in sessions for undergraduate students across disciplines.
Career Development
The Career Education Center (CEC) connects on-campus undergraduates and graduate students with expertise, skills, and resources to engage in, access, and explore diverse opportunities for their life’s work, integrating their passion with their purpose in meaningful careers. Students in Nursing@Simmons, SocialWork@Simmons, and BehaviorAnalysis@Simmons can visit the Career Engagement Network website to connect with career services.
London Center for Community Engagement and Social Justice
The London Center develops undergraduate student leadership around community engagement and social justice through co-curricular programs, service-learning courses, and other events.
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships
Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (URF) connects on-campus undergraduate students with funding for independent research projects, creative endeavors, conference presentations, and summer research programs at Simmons. We provide 1:1 guidance to undergraduate and graduate students applying for internationally competitive fellowships.
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) seeks to promote awareness and understanding of the intersectionality of diverse identities that constitute our Simmons community. We aim to transform our community into one that recognizes and celebrates diversity in all its forms, actively disrupts and challenges bias, and continuously seeks to achieve equity and inclusion for all.
Multicultural Center at Simmons
We are a community that is committed to the growth and healing of all systematically marginalized identities, to educating every student on social inequities, and how to get engaged in improving the future.
Student Engagement and Campus Life
Campus Connect
Campus Connect is your go-to resource for discovering student organizations and events tailored to your interest, such as volunteer opportunities, fitness classes, social gatherings, info sessions, and more. Student orgs will be able to use Connect to conduct business, start new clubs, and keep members updated.
Jennifer Eckert Center for Leadership & Engagement
The Jennifer Eckert Center for Leadership & Engagement collaborates with the Student Government Association (SGA), the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI), and other organizations to produce an array of vibrant, inclusive, and socially engaging programs connecting undergraduates with campus life, co-curricular pathways, leadership opportunities, and the Greater Boston community.
COF Performing Arts
The Colleges of the Fenway Center for Performing Arts is a collaboration of faculty, staff, and students from the five-member colleges and universities. We engage and support students and faculty in all areas of the performing arts and provide resources and activities that further the arts as a method of expression, critical inquiry, and community engagement.
COF Activities
Hundreds of student clubs and organizations exist between the five institutions and most are open to COF participation. If you are interested in joining another student organization, want to collaborate, or simply contact another club, check them out!
New Students
First Years: Everything you need to know about preparing to live on campus at Simmons!
Dining Services
Simmons Dining offers four convenient dining locations on campus: Bartol Hall, Common Grounds, The Fens Cafe, and Late Night at Smith Hall. In addition to meal plans for residential students, we offer a variety of affordable, low-cost meal options for commuting students, including vegan and vegetarian options.
Off-Campus Housing
Connects students, faculty, and staff with housing, apartments, and roommates off-campus.
Living on Campus
The Residence Campus is home to nine residence halls, Bartol Dining Hall, the Holmes Sports Center, Simmons University Health Center, Residence Campus Mailroom and the Office of Residence Life. Learn more about our Residence Campus!
Athletics and Fitness
Simmons University Athletics is home to 9 NCAA Division III Teams and the Holmes Sports Center, which features state-of-the-art training equipment, hardwood courts, an indoor running area, swimming pool, and more. FIT at Simmons provides free group fitness classes to undergraduate and graduate students, thanks to a generous gift from Nancy Gavrin ’58.
COF Sports and Recreation
Colleges of the Fenway Sports and Recreation programs are open and accessible to all who have an interest and enjoy engaging in sport, recreational activities, and gaming. We are dedicated to making sport and recreation an integral part of campus life.
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center promotes mental health and wellness through in person and telehealth counseling, groups, and outreach. We provide undergraduate students with assessment, urgent care, counseling, referrals, and medication management. Additional, cost-free off-site support is available 24/7 via the Student Assistance Program.
Health Center
The Simmons Health Center, located on the Simmons Residence Campus, offers primary healthcare services to undergraduate and graduate students. The Health Center is staffed by Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners (and Simmons FNP Students) and a Family Physician. Services are available by appointment at the Health Center during regularly scheduled clinic hours.
REEF Support Center
The REEF Center (Resilience, Efficacy, and Empowerment through Foundational Support Services) offers a central hub for undergraduate and graduate commuter students to access food resources, housing, emergency funding, and clothing, as well as our Violence Prevention, Education, and Outreach program.
Wellness Ambassadors
Wellness Ambassadors are a dynamic group of students who are passionate about an inclusive and comprehensive approach to wellbeing for the Simmons community, including undergraduate, graduate, residential, commuter, and online students. We provide open-minded and non-judgmental resources on campus for accurate health and wellness information.
Our Staff
Please reach out to the SESD team with any questions.