Health Center
At Simmons Health Services, our mission is to maintain and enhance the health of the Simmons student body through comprehensive and accessible primary health care. We endeavor to support students in the pursuit of their academic and personal growth through promotion of healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices. We hope to accomplish these goals in an inclusive Health Center environment that is welcoming and supportive of all Simmons students.

Our Services
Simmons Health Services, located on the Simmons Residence Campus, offers health care to Simmons Undergraduate and Graduate students. The Health Center is staffed by Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners (and Simmons FNP Students) and a Family Physician; Additional part-time providers include a Registered Dietitian and Psychiatric consultant. Services are available by appointment at the Health Center during regularly-scheduled clinic hours.
- Diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries
- Sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment
- Gynecological care including: routine gynecological exams, contraception counseling and prescription, diagnosis and treatment of gynecological illness, UTI diagnosis and treatment, pregnancy testing and referrals.
- Physical exams (Annual physical with pap smear, Athletic clearance, Clearance exams for study abroad, Health Science majors, Jumpstart/Headstart, etc.)
- Management of chronic diseases
- Emergency contraception ("morning after" pills)
- Tuberculosis screening
- Nutritional counseling/Eating Disorder specialization
- Care of sports-related injuries
- Mental Health treatment (depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADHD)
- Continuation of existing treatments, eg Allergy shots
- Care coordination and referrals
- Nutritional Counseling: Simmons students are eligible for free nutrition counseling and support by Registered Dietitian Marissa Johnson. Appointments can be made over the phone at (617) 521-1020 or in person at the Health Center on the residence campus.
Healthcare Fees and Policies
Undergraduate students
During the academic year, the student health fee covers visits to the Health Center at no cost. Services provided by outside vendors (e.g. laboratory testing, prescriptions, hospital/specialty visits) are billed by that service provider to your Health Insurance. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the coverage provided by their individual insurance policy, including any restrictions or limitations.
Graduate students
If a graduate student is covered by Simmons insurance, a copayment of $15 is due at the time of the visit. Health Services will bill the insurer (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) for the cost of the visit. If a student is covered by any other insurance, there is a fee of $ 35-50 (depending upon reason for visit), due at the time of the visit. Please note, we are unable to accept credit card payments, we take cash or check, or can bill students.
Some insurance providers may reimburse for these visits. Check with your insurer to see if reimbursement will be available. You can request a receipt to share with your insurance provider if you plan to request reimbursement.
Prescription medications
Simmons Health Services is prevented by state law from dispensing prescription medication. Students therefore fill prescriptions at a local pharmacy (see below for local pharmacies). Reimbursement of cost depends on the provisions of each student's health insurance policy. Check with your insurer to determine what coverage is available.
- CVS in Target, 1341 Boylston St, Boston 857-317-5221
- CVS 350 Longwood Ave., Boston (Galleria) 617-731-5884
- CVS 300 Longwood Ave. (inside Boston Children's Hospital) 617-975-3500 (pharmacy open until 11:00pm)
- Walgreens 429 Brookline Ave. (at Joslin Diabetes Center) 617-232-7506 (pharmacy open until 6:00pm)
- CVS 36 White St., Cambridge 617-876-5519 (24-hour pharmacy)
Services received outside the Health Center
Referrals for lab tests, X-rays, specialty care and other services offered outside of the Health Center are usually covered by the student's health insurance. Occasionally students may be billed directly for care not covered by their insurance. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the coverage provided by their individual insurance policy, including any restrictions or limitations.
If you are a currently enrolled student, you can access your immunization record by logging into the Student Health Portal.
To protect the privacy of your medical record, you must send the Health Center a written request with your signature if you want to have any information from your record, including your immunizations, sent to you or released to a third party. A request form can be emailed, faxed or mailed to the Health Center. Please allow three business days to process your request. If only one or two pages of information are involved, the Health Center can fax the response. Please email your request to [email protected], mail it to the Simmons University Health Center, 94 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA 02215 or fax it to us at (617) 521-3467.
If you cannot access the form, please write out your request including the information below and forward as above to the Health Center:
- Your name
- Other name on record, if different
- Simmons ID #
- Date of birth
- Address
- Telephone number
- Dates Enrolled (i.e., 1988 -1992)
- What information you want released (immunization results, all records, records for a specific visit or time period)
- Where to send information
Please be sure to sign and date the request. Medical Records, including immunizations, are kept for 10 years.
Note that we will not release information regarding abortion, mental health, pregnancy, sexual assault or sexually transmitted disease without your specific authorization to release those records. Please check the appropriate boxes giving us the necessary permission on the form, or if you are submitting a written request, please specifically mention those records if you want them released.
Simmons University Health Services is committed to maintaining the privacy of your medical records and does not disclose any health information, without your express permission, to non-medical personnel including parents (if you are older than 18 years of age), or to University administrators, except as required by law. If you are under 18 years of age, the law allows us to share some, but not all, of your health information with your parents.
Consistent with state and federal regulation, we may, however, share information in your medical record with other medical providers if it is for the purpose of further treatment; for example, to a specialist at the hospital, or to a counseling center provider. We can also share information for the purpose of payment; with your insurer, for example. In these instances we would share only the minimum amount of information necessary to accomplish the goal of providing you with the best possible care.
For more information about obtaining your medical records, please see the section on Access to Your Medical Records.
In accordance with the Undergraduate Course Attendance Policy, Simmons Health Services does not provide notes excusing students from class or other academic obligations for brief absences due to illness or injury. We advise students who miss class to communicate directly with their faculty/instructors in a timely manner. We can provide verification of a visit to the Health Center upon request. Students are encouraged to contact Student Affairs for extended absence support.
Health Center Staff
In addition to the professional staff listed here, the Simmons Health Center employs several Simmons University FNP Students who are under the direct supervision of our staff Nurse Practitioners.