Health Information for Incoming Students

Welcome to Simmons!

All campus-based students enrolled 3/4 time or more (general credit threshold for 3/4 time is 9 credits for undergrads and 7 credits for grads with some exceptions) are required by Massachusetts law to enroll in the Student Health Insurance or be covered by a health insurance plan with comparable coverage.

Required Health Information

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires by law that all full-time students (9 credits or more) under age 30, all international students, and all full- and part-time health science students submit documentation of immunizations to the University before starting classes.

Health requirements for undergraduate and graduate students are detailed below. If you have any questions about these health requirements or using the Student Health Portal, please contact the Health Center [email protected].

New students enrolling for Fall 2025 must submit their information by August 1st, 2025. New students enrolling for Spring 2026 must submit their information by January 5th, 2026. Please note that failure to meet these requirements may impede your ability to register for classes, so it is important to submit your information in a timely manner.

Important things to note:

  • You must use the Student Health Portal to submit your health information. Please do not mail, fax, or email documents.
  • Contact your primary care provider as soon as possible to confirm that you have received all required immunizations and/or to receive any missing immunizations.
  • You must enter the dates of your immunizations AND upload an immunization record listing the doses and dates of each immunization. You will not be considered in compliance until you have completed both of these steps.
  • In addition to immunizations, please be sure to complete the required forms in the Student Health Portal and submit your health insurance information.
  • Records must be signed or stamped by your provider OR must be on the provider's letterhead/from the provider's electronic health record portal.
  • If your records are incomplete, but you believe you have received the required immunizations, you can obtain titers (blood tests) to show your immunity and submit a record of those tests.
  • If you're having trouble getting an appointment with your provider, you can get immunizations and titers at many urgent care clinics and pharmacies.

Missing Records or Need Immunizations? If you cannot access your records, or if you need to receive some required immunizations, you can:

  • Visit your provider or a local pharmacy for needed immunizations or titers. Titers are blood tests that can show you are immune to an illness, so if you think you have received a vaccine already but don't have the records, titers would be a good option for you.
  • For domestic students, check your state's vaccine registry. For Massachusetts residents, visit For other states, you can find more information on

New undergraduate students are required to submit the following information on the Student Health Portal:

  • Consent for Treatment
  • Health History
  • Tuberculosis Risk Assessment
  • Health Insurance Information
  • Immunization Record showing the following required vaccinations:
    • 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine (or 2 doses of Hepsilav vaccine, or positive titer)
    • 2 doses of MMR or MMRV (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine (or positive titer)
    • 2 doses of Varicella or MMRV vaccine (or positive titer)
    • 1 dose of Tdap vaccine (plus a Td or Tdap booster if original Tdap is >10 years old)
    • 1 dose of MenACWY/MCV4 meningococcal vaccine (students 21 years of age or younger)

In addition to the above required information, students are encouraged to share documentation of COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccinations, which are both strongly recommended for all students.

New graduate students are required to submit the following information on the Student Health Portal:

  • Tuberculosis Risk Assessment
  • Immunization Record showing the following required vaccinations:
    • 3 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine (or 2 doses of Hepsilav vaccine, or positive titer)
    • 2 doses of MMR or MMRV (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine (or positive titer)
    • 2 doses of Varicella or MMRV vaccine (or positive titer)
    • 1 dose of Tdap vaccine (plus a Td or Tdap booster if original Tdap is >10 years old)
    • 1 dose of MenACWY/MCV4 meningococcal vaccine (students 21 years of age or younger)

In addition to the above required information, students are encouraged to share documentation of COVID-19 and seasonal flu vaccinations, which are both strongly recommended for all students.

Important things to note:

  • You must use the Student Health Portal to submit your health information. Please do not mail, fax, or email documents. Please do not submit information prior to June 1st.
  • Contact your primary care provider as soon as possible to confirm that you have received all required immunizations and/or to receive any missing immunizations.
  • You must enter the dates of your immunizations AND upload an immunization record listing the doses and dates of each immunization. You will not be considered in compliance until you have completed both of these steps.
  • Records must be signed or stamped by your provider OR must be on the provider's letterhead/from the provider's electronic health record portal.
  • If your records are incomplete, but you believe you have received the required immunizations, you can obtain titers (blood tests) to show your immunity and submit a record of those tests.
  • If you're having trouble getting an appointment with your provider, you can get immunizations and titers at many urgent care clinics and pharmacies.