Request for Early Arrival

You may submit a request to move in early for a reason other than being a member of a pre-approved group (Athletics, Orientation Leaders/Captains, Resident Assistants, Street Team, New International Students, BRIDGE Program, Bonner Community Leaders or Admissions Ambassadors). Certain criteria apply.

Early arrival requests will only be considered for the following reasons

  • Housing Insecurity,
  • Travel ,
  • Internship, or
  • an On-Campus Job. 

If you have an extenuating circumstance that does not meet the criteria, please provide an explanation in the comments section on the form.

Members of pre-approved groups do not need to request an early arrival. We will receive your name from your coach or program leader.

If you plan to arrive on your designated move-in day you do not need to fill out this form.

The deadline for submitting a request as well as the earliest date you can request to arrive on campus are listed on the Important Dates page. If you arrive early and are not part of a pre-approved group you will be charged $38 per night.

Find the Early Arrival Form on the Housing Portal

Unfortunately, we will not be able to approve all requests to arrive early. All requests will be reviewed individually. 

A response for your request will be given within 5 days of submission.

NOTE: All students admitted to Simmons University must submit proof of vaccination or receive an approved exemption. Communication from the University about how to provide documentation, process for exemption, and other guidelines will be shared prior to move-in.

During the month of August, the University is servicing campus and conferences and pre-season training for university athletes. The University prepares each room for the arrival of the next occupant. Therefore your assigned room may not be ready by the early arrival date you are requesting, so you may be assigned to a temporary space as we are prepare your Fall housing assignment.

The first day for your meal plan is listed on the Important Dates page. If you are arriving early as an individual and not with a pre-arranged group, you will have to find your own source for meals until meal plans start.

If your housing assignment changes for any reason, we ask that you resubmit the Early Arrival Request Form to reflect your new housing assignment. We will accept the latest submission to reflect your true arrival day and time. Please keep in mind this form will close on the deadline and changes cannot be made after that point.

Contact Us

Office of Residence Life

The Office of Residence Life is responsible for the administration of — and student life in — Simmons University Housing.