Clubs and Organizations

Simmons students are serious about keeping active and getting involved. With our wide variety of student groups on campus, there's something for everyone.

Get involved and make a difference

We have 70 different clubs and organizations you can join to meet people with similar interests. Can't find something you're interested in? Our students start their own club or organizations!

Campus Connect is our official engagement platform. Find orgs, events, volunteer opportunities and more.

Clubs and organizations include (but are not limited to!)

  • Asian Students Association (ASO)
  • Black Student Organization (BSO)
  • Campus Activities Board
  • Class Council
  • Like Minds Coalition
  • Microcosm (yearbook)
  • Model UN
  • Organization Latino America (OLA)
  • Simmons University Dance Company
  • Sirens (a cappella group)
  • Student Government Association (SGA)
Students signing up for activities on the residential quad

Find Clubs and Organizations

As a Simmons student, you can also jump right in and check out our full listing of student organizations on CampusConnect.

Find Clubs and Organizations

Involvement at Simmons

We have over 70 clubs and organizations that any student can join. Hear what the members of these organizations have to say about getting involved!

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Other organizations

The Simmons swim team

Athletics and fitness

We offer a wide variety of health and fitness programming to ensure that our students are healthy and happy.

Simmons Sirens singing group

Colleges of the Fenway

Simmons is part of the Colleges of the Fenway, a consortium of five schools. You can attend events, participate in intramural clubs, sports, dance, chorus, theater, or orchestra. 

Students celebrating May Day in flower crowns


We celebrate Simmons as a campus community all year round!

Division of Student Engagement, Success, and Diversity

The Division of Student Engagement, Success, and Diversity is dedicated to empowering students to engage in transformative and meaningful experiences that foster community, career readiness, self-efficacy, and a sense of purpose.

The Jennifer Eckert Center for Leadership & Engagement

The Jennifer Eckert Center for Leadership and Engagement has a mission to to enhance leadership development opportunities for a diverse and engaged student body by empowering students to practice Everyday Leadership, social responsibility, and mutual respect.