Health, Wellness and Recreation

At Simmons, you aren't just a number, you're a valuable part of the Simmons community. We know that Simmons students thrive when they're healthy, and it's our goal to support your well-being.

Empowering you to be your best self

Our programs are designed to promote the wellbeing of Simmons students in support of their academic success. We specialize in offering health promotion events, prevention programs, educational materials and resources.

Working in close collaboration with student support services like the Health Center, our On-Campus Nutritionist, Violence Prevention and Education, Counseling Services, Athletics, and Spiritual Identity Support, we have your health and wellness needs covered.

Our Wellness Ambassadors provide open-minded and non-judgmental resources on campus for accurate health and wellness information. They promote the mission of the Recreation and Wellness Program and advocate for a culture of wellbeing among the Simmons community. More information on Wellness Ambassador events, informal wellness drop-in hours, and Safer Sex Express can be found on this webpage.

For more information on Recreation activities on campus, please contact or visit or contact the Holmes Sports Center. You can also find out more about our Fit at Simmons classes.

Bri Burke

Head Lacrosse Coach and Fit@Simmons Coordinator

Beth Grampetro

Associate Dean, Chief Wellness Officer

Wellness Resources

Students in an exercise class

Fit at Simmons

Fit at Simmons offers a variety of fitness and recreational activities and events throughout the academic year, including group exercise classes, fitness field trips, and outings. 

Safer sex express

The Safer Sex Express aims to remove barriers to accessing safer sex supplies. 

Health Center

We support students in the pursuit of their academic and personal growth through promotion of healthy behaviors and lifestyle choices.

Counseling services

We are committed to the emotional, physical and spiritual development of our students.

Accessibility services

Simmons University is committed to the full participation of all students in its programs and activities.

On-campus nutritionist

Simmons students are eligible for free nutrition counseling & education provided by Registered Dietitian, Amy Cantor. Appointments can be made over the phone at (617) 521-1020 or in person at the Health Center on the residence campus.

Violence prevention & education

The Simmons University Violence Prevention and Educational Outreach Program works to educate and spread awareness around forms of gender-based violence.

Tennis player

Colleges of the Fenway intramural sports

Through the College of the Fenway, you can participate in intramural sports like soccer, tennis, rugby, and more!

Discounted Hubway memberships

Colleges of the Fenway students receive a discount for Hubway memberships.