Campus Wide Education and Training

Community Education and Training

The Title IX team offers live educational training sessions regarding Simmons' Sexual Harassment Policy. Please contact Sara Simberg, Assistant General Counsel and Title IX Coordinator, at [email protected], if you would like to schedule a training session for your Department or organization.

Training through Vector

Simmons is partnered with Vector to provide our students and employees with training that fosters a safe and healthy community. These courses reinforce and encourage healthy decision-making and promote positive behaviors.

Training for Simmons Title IX Personnel and Consultants

The Title IX Coordinator, investigator(s), decision-makers, and those involved in the informal resolution processes allowed for under the Sexual Harassment Policy receive annual training in the following areas:

  • Definition of "sexual harassment" under the Title IX regulations
  • Scope of Simmons' educational programs and activities, as defined by Simmons' Sexual Harassment Policy
  • How to conduct investigations, informal resolution processes, hearings, and appeals, as applicable
  • How to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias
  • Technology used at hearings
  • How to determine whether information and documentation is relevant and may be considered as part of an investigation and hearing, as applicable
  • Information on consent and the role drugs and alcohol may play in an individual’s ability to consent
  • The effects of trauma, including any neurobiological impact on an individual, and information on working with and interviewing persons subjected to sexual misconduct
  • How sexual misconduct may impact individuals differently depending on factors that contribute to an individual’s cultural background, including, but not limited to, national origin, sex, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, and the importance of communicating respectfully and mindfully
  • How sexual misconduct may impact individuals with developmental or intellectual disabilities
  • The principles of due process necessary to ensure that proceedings are conducted impartially in a manner that is fundamentally fair to all parties

The following are the training materials utilized during trainings attended by members of the Title IX team and others who provide Title IX-related services to the University: