Title IX Coordinators and Team Members
The Simmons Title IX team includes community members trained to support students, faculty, and staff impacted by sexual harassment. These individuals can help provide support and connect you with resources. In particular, the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators, working with other members of the Title IX Team, will ensure a timely, effective, impartial, and consistent response to all reports of sexual harassment.
The Title IX Coordinator has primary responsibility for overseeing the University's Title IX compliance program. This includes overseeing the University's response to reports of conduct that could trigger the Simmons Sexual Harassment Policy. The Title IX Coordinator is able to meet with any individual seeking information about the University's policy or looking to get connected with resources. The Title IX Team, including any Deputy Title IX Coordinators, and/or other qualified members of the Simmons community, will assist, as necessary, with these efforts. Anywhere the Title IX Coordinator is listed as a designated point of contact for any role in the Sexual Harassment Policy, they may designate a Deputy Title IX Coordinator or other qualified member of the Simmons community to assume the role at issue, as necessary and appropriate.
Title IX Coordinator
Sara Simberg
Assistant General Counsel and Title IX Coordinator
Location: Main College Building (Building A), Suite A-230
Phone: 617-521-3289
[email protected]
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Rae-Anne Butera
Vice President of Student Engagement and Dean of Students
Phone: 617-521-2117
[email protected]
J. David Hollinden
Associate Vice President, Human Resources
Location: MCB, Suite A-230
Phone: 617-521-3812
[email protected]
Additional Title IX Team Members
Suzanne Leonard
Professor, The Gwen Ifill School of Media, Humanities and Social Sciences
Location: MCB, A-350G
Phone: 617-521-2544
[email protected]
Erica Schuling
Director of Athletics and Recreation
Location: Simmons University Sports Center
Phone: 617-521-1037
[email protected]
Additional University Reporting Source
Public Safety
617-521-1111 (emergency)
617-521-1112 (non-emergency)
1 Palace Rd, Suite B-104, Boston, MA 02115.