Simmons University Statement of Solidarity for Racial Justice

We are in a moment of racial reckoning that prompts an urgent call to action for the benefit of
all humanity.

As members of the Simmons community, it is up to each of us to promote an equitable, just, diverse, and civil Simmons culture — and to uphold the core values of the University and our commitment to Inclusive Excellence.

We stand as activists and with activists — locally and across the nation — who are seeking justice for Black individuals who have been murdered by police, as well as for those who experience systemic racism and other forms of discriminatory practices.

We stand as a community of learners, educators, researchers, leaders, administrators, employees, alumnae/i, Trustees, and concerned citizens to hold ourselves accountable and commit to confronting this systemic racism and other discriminatory practices when we see it in our classes, our offices, our dorms, and our meeting rooms.

We stand with our Colleges through each of their powerful statements of solidarity for racial justice: the College of Natural, Behavioral and Health Sciences; the College of Organizational, Computational and Information Sciences; the College of Social Sciences, Practices, and Policy; and the Gwen Ifill School of Media, Humanities and Social Sciences.

If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
If not now, then when?

What will you do?