Sexual Harassment Policy for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Visitors

This Sexual Harassment Policy ("Policy") governs all community members, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, those employed by others but working on the Simmons campus, and visitors to Simmons. The Policy defines the behavior that Simmons identifies as prohibited sexual harassment, the process for addressing sexual harassment that falls under and outside Title IX jurisdiction, and the potential sanctions for engaging in prohibited conduct. This Policy expressly prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

In addition to the foregoing, the Policy and the Simmons Title IX website also:

  1. Explain how to report incidents of sexual harassment to Simmons.
  2. Detail the process for assessing, investigating, and resolving reports and complaints of sexual harassment, including the implementation of supportive measures when appropriate, and the use of sanctions against those who violate the Policy.
  3. Identify on and off campus resources available to individuals impacted by sexual harassment, and how to access those resources.
  4. Identify Simmons’ Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators and other members of the Title IX team

View the Simmons Sexual Harassment Policy If you have any questions about the Policy, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or other member of the Title IX Team. For additional University policies for students, faculty and staff, please refer to the Student Handbook, Employee Handbook and Faculty Policy Manual.

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